World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Only half-listening, was the crowd chanting “it’s called soccer”?

Actually I know this is our first lineup without an MLS player in the world cup, but not sure if it extends to all time for competitive games (we sometimes have had euro only camps and friendlies) (post MLS creation obv)

I keep saying I need to join the whatever association it is to get tickets and haven’t yet because I’m a lazy sod like that. Yes hugely looking forward to it.

Turbo anthem!

Ok let’s fucking win

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Any particular city you’d like to visit?

Think Vancouver is high on my list, temperatures won’t be crazy.

I haven’t been able to follow this WC as much as I’d like with work and a 10 month old on the west coast.

i live near New York but Vancouver, SF and Mexico City are high on my list. But basically wherever England play that’s where I will try and get tickets

Absolutely. There’s going to be a ton of games. WCs are typically played in euro sized stadiums (30-60k) usually. All the WC games are going to be NFL sized, 60k+.

My family got me and my dad into the silverdome in 94 for usa v switzerland, but we were in the nosebleeds. That was awesome.

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I think Roger’s Place or whatever the BC stadium is might be under 50k and same with Toronto.

Not checking lol CFL stadiums rn

I kinda looked into this and it appears it’s a bit like being a member of the pga. I don’t think you particularly get discounts but you are higher up the pole for getting tickets

pro-iran crowd.

Walker being back today is huge for England.

i would watch US vs Iran in RoboCup. hope it’s not predators vs shahed obv.

we talkin about usa

It’s unfortunately easier to get tickets if you’re from a lesser country. They disperse them based on such. Home country will get a bunch then queues based on country, so high demand gives you a lower chance. As a Canadian I easily got through in 2010 then went “lol a plane ticket is 3k and I’m a dumb young 20 something.”

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Haven’t they banned vuvuzelas?
Annoying af.


Good start for our boys so far

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nah i like them on tv

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