World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Aaronson is worse than every midfielder or winger in the lineup. You might argue he’s +xG against McKennie, but that’s not clear.

Reyna most likely can’t play more than 20ish minutes

Gregg has actually coached very well this tournament

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Is this satire?

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To be fair when you held it before (yes I know Mexico and Canada are also hosting) you knocked spectator figures out the park. Mainly because I believe every match was an event so whereas Europe would get almost zero casual locals going to see Morocco v S. Korea you yanks filled Giant stadium for it (pulling the games and where they were out my arse). It was also 24 teams in 1994 and went to 32 after so you had less games too

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No, I’m just not obsessed with slagging the coach like you. If you look outside the mouth breathers on US Twitter the consensus, especially for neutrals or opponents, is that his coaching has been good. The lineups and initial game tactics have all been basically exactly perfect for one (if you think Reyna is unable to play much like I do)

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Especially when you have to score against a team that’s parking the bus. Reyna is pretty clearly their best weapon against that IMO. Aaronson if not second best against that is probably third best? Pulisic being the one he’d be neck and neck with, in different ways. Aaronson is going to have more successful challenges when Iran is trying to clear it, and probably win more 1-on-1s but Pulisic is going to create more for others.

Not sure if the soccer experts would agree with me on that though?

I think you could argue in this specific strategic situation he’s better than Musah, but maybe not.

Saw some interesting posts on a soccer forum about how Weah has been playing some right back for Lille and if you are really trying to go full out against a team that’s in a shell, you could move Dest to LB and play Weah at RB, thus opening up a spot for an extra attacking player.

Tuchel wants to know your location :eyes::rofl:

I don’t think any lineup with Josh Sargent starting and Aaronson / Reyna on the bench is optimal. They would be better off playing a false 9 or moving Weah to the middle. His inclination to play MLS players all over the pitch over top flight Euro options is mind boggling. Like, why is CCV just now getting his first start? Why did we leave guys at home (Prefok, Dike) over MLS forwards? I find it very hard to believe that playing guys from the ~20th best professional league in the world is optimal when you have options from the Prem and Bundesliga. Sorry.

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He just benched Zimmerman for CCV as your first complaint yet your second complaint is he plays too many MLS players? Our total MLS minutes is also very, very low - Zimmerman is almost all of it

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Lol Shaq Moore.

oh i’m definitely looking forward to it. plus US has the advantage of having like a 800 stadiums that already hold giant parties. it’s a complete no-brainer for tourism. and cheaper to pull off than the olympics.

sporting wise: outside of mexico, NA soccer is a talent wasteland because they went into other sports.

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I like the lineup. CCV is much better offensively than Zimmerman.

Reyna and Aaronson are both good players, but who is coming off? MMA is, by far, our best midfield lineup. You’d have to be taking Pulisic or Weah off to put on one of those guys.

Aaronson is miles above Sargent. Josh looked lost in the PL. Crushing the championship this year, but that’s probably his level.

Neither of them played particularly well with the USMNT and wouldn’t start/play. There have been 0 MLS strikers starting as well.

CCV plays in the SPL, let’s not pretend like that’s some big step up from MLS either.

And is not a striker.

If you play Aaronson over Sargent, you’d have to put Weah at the 9 I think. From what I’ve seen that’s the most common alternative lineup I’ve seen. I wouldn’t mind it, but it would be a risk since we’ve never done it before (never had everyone healthy)

It just seems the most optimal.

I dont think weah or any of the players has played a 9 role for their club or country. Maybe it’s a good call but it’s hard to fault not going to it now.

one more point to consider, by ‘26, USA and Mexico will have grown by 110-120m people, and the tourism capacity will be expanded due to having 3 countries. attendance looks to break records

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I’ve only seen like two Lille games this year but I thought David/Weah were playing in a front 2 a bunch.

Now, that’s different from just being a 9 in a 433, but its not insanely different.

Also, Onana quitting Cameroon because he wouldn’t take goal kicks long is ridiculous and I’m shocked we didn’t get your opinion on that.