World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

You’re wrong

vuvuzelas are freeze peach. don’t be the morality police

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This USA team is just weird. Not bad enough to be a plucky underdog. Not exciting enough when they play to want to watch them over England as a neutral now. But they aren’t bad and have plenty of talent.

Just the Chicago Bulls of this tournament. Boring middle ground.

In Toronto they’re planning on adding extra seats.

They would execute you. But edgy!


i know it’s cliche, but every team just needs to play more passes.

pulisic with a nice try

I guess for toronto/bc they will just have a ~6 weeks stretch of no home games as they fit each field for grass?

Do you need longer to cultivate a top level grass pitch?

i think seattle stadium is turf. is that allowed by FIFA now?

Not for a men’s world cup.

It was for the women’s one in Canada which got those players upset.

Toronto already has grass. They just need to add more seats.

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Dreadful touches by US, especially Pulisic.

huh, i guess they’ll have to cover Lumen field in sod then

I think they’d just force him to transition, no?

Yes, they are planning on putting in a grass field for the WC.

Is this announcer retarded?

“All Iran needs is a tie to advance”

They tie they are on 4 points and -2 goal diff

If wales wins. They are on 4 points and are currently -2 so they would be at worst -1 with a win

What am I missing

No one thinks Wales will win

Correct. Progressive!

I know I’m biased but Adams is a fucking great player

But even england isn’t safe. Lose 5-0 and Iran wins. They out

I want the United States to score a goal.