World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Dumb question: What’s a “double chance”?

A team to win or draw.


Spain should look really good this game

Their starting midfield is the starting midfield for Barcelona. That should help a lot.

2 of their starting 3 MF are the 2 most recent FIFA best young player winners (Gavi definitely shouldn’t have won this year though, bit of a joke)

Costa Rica are maybe the worst team in the tournament


Can Neuer suddenly declare that he’s an outfield player and one of the other outfield players becomes goalie or is he locked into that position unless subbed? If so, how would this be signaled, the outfield player would just need gloves, gloves + Neuer’s jersey?

These upsets are nuts. I mean not as nuts as KSA beating Argentina but still nuts.

I’ve seen the goalie come down as an extra attacker in older games but not in many recent games. However, the issue is that goal differential plays a significant role in tiebreakers and bringing a goalie in to attack can do more harm than good given the empty net.

Costa Rica is so damn bad. I wanted to bet Spain, but then saw that even -2 is -120. I guess everyone already knows they suck. They’re probably the most negative team in the tournament, will just sit back all match and not try anything.

Wait Japan Spain Germany are in the same group WAT how the hell did that happen

I know that they can come up, it happens often. What I’m wondering is if Neuer can say, ok I’m just playing striker now and he gives his gloves to one of the other players and then that guy is allowed to use his hands and play as goalie.


EDIT: Oh wait, maybe.

I don’t know what the benefit is in doing that but given some conditions it can happen


Japan is just average for a Pot 3 team. They did not even outqualify Saudi Arabia, finished with the 4th most points in AFC qualifying. They definitely look better than that now though.

Qatar being in Pot 1 made Pot 2 a bit stronger, but really the group is nothing special. Spain about average for Pot 1, Germany maybe slightly stronger than average for Pot 2, Japan about average Pot 3, and Costa Rica could be the worst team in the tournament.


The goalie also has to have the distinctive jersey on

I’m ready for an underdog story. LET’S GO TICOS!


This will never be topped for best goalie goal.


Yeah my biggest future bet was Costa Rica to finish bottom of this group.

Didn’t love the price of any team to win the WC, you’d make more on betting a team to win their group and betting them to win the KO matches

And Spain is playing Rodri over Busquets so it’s not quite the Barcelona midfield. Pedri/Gavi are 18/19 though.

Any chance the Ticos can pack it in effectively enough to hold spain to 2?

This looked good until the last 15m :expressionless:

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I just sprinkled a bit on some mega-longshots to win it all. So far it’s been a crazy Cup as I suspected, but that might not carry over to the KO stage.

I have: Canada, Morocco, Iran, Japan, and Ecuador. Decent start so far, except Iran looked worthless.

Spain don’t have a great goal scorer so maybe.

I expected Morata to start but they went for Torres

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