World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Can’t find Senegal on a map but LETS FUCKING GO

Senegal is easy to pick out

Western Africa. On the ocean

And it has some weird worm like country inside it called The Gambia

Looks weird on a map

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Is anyone non-English actually rooting for England in this spot?

Possibly people who want to see England v France, but I’d imagine that England and USA are the 2 most hated teams, not sure the order though.

Probably not wholeheartedly but it’s an understandable sentiment. Probably some French guys want to be able to kick England’s ass.




rigged fu refs

England sure but not the US. Germany is up there



I think US isn’t taken seriously enough for them to generate significant hate. And they’re not super dirty or anything like that.

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England very lead footed so far. Making hard work of this.

Or not. Get the fuck in

Uruguay, Italy, and even lesser hated countries like Argentina Portugal and Germany all get much, much more hate than the US. You get a weird thing on reddit and online soccer spaces where English people get really bizarrely upset that they are majority US and do everything they can to slag them, but that has never extended to real life.

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Come on Senegal! That was USMNT level defending.

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How common is Jordan as a name in the UK?

British dude named Jordan will never sound right to me.

Jude quite good.

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Man, I like the England scorer acknowledging the pass. Usually its all


I never knew one growing up. However I did go to school with a Troy. That was fucking weird in the 70’s