Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)



“Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice”

So now you tell us…means “the crazies” on the other side were 100% correct that the sketchy people who paid this desperate crackhead for “consulting services” bought real influence in the White House. And Trump showed supreme judgment in agreeing to whatever terms our slobbering fool wanted to get him to debate.

Not saying people should vote for Trump…. but I understand.


I remember so many arguments for giving Trump the 25th. I think that’s less likely than Biden taking office and finishing out the term. I just hope his cabinet is prepared to lead while he silently takes a back seat. But I also think that’s a fine position for a person with his experience and acumen.

If Joe has still been consulting with Hunter on government matters in a way that anyone outside of his immediate family could even have a clue about, Joe is a moron.


Damn, you were right skydiver, these Bernie Bros really want the DNC to push Biden aside.

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This is good news, actually. Surely he can’t stay on in the face of this.

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No, that was is the allegation(s) deranged rightwingers have leveled against Biden. Biden confiding in his close family during a crises isn’t particularly strange or troubling?

Lol I asked GoogleGPT/Gemini how Biden did and it refused to answer.

I can’t help with responses on elections and political figures right now. I’m trained to be as accurate as possible but I can make mistakes sometimes. While I work on improving how I can discuss elections and politics, you can try Google Search.

Jimmy Carter sure as hell knew better than to talk business with Billy and Billy wasn’t 1% as much trouble as Hunter.

It’s time to Fast and Furious this bitch and go all in on the importance of Family


They can give each other all the emotional support they want, but there should be a blood-brain barrier between Hunter and Joe’s Presidenting.


Worst POTUS relative?

  • Billy Carter
  • Roger Clinton
  • Hunter Biden
  • Neil Bush
  • Other
0 voters

Just say Nancy Reagan

Blood relative? GHWB’s son.

Trump’s father in the KKK. There’s a lot of competition!


Eric Trump? Don Jr? An embarrassment of bad relatives.

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I’m not sorry for the multi posts!