2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Eh, I see what you’re saying, but to “them” he’ll never actually lose. You’re correct that the end of Trump isn’t the end of Trumpism, but that’s true in all scenarios where it’s over for DJT. So all things being equal I’d like him to die painfully.

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Prefer Whitmer policies but Newsom prolly wafflecrushes the vote-getting.
Relatively young
Good looking
Pretty great at all the TV appearance shit.
The fact he used to boink Kimb Guil may even snag a couple weirdo maga votes…or maybe not. Dunno.

A personal belief I have is that Guilfoil, his ex wife, has legit blackmail information on Newsome, and if she doesn’t she’d make some up.


Dems had four years to prep for what may be the last election in US history and apparently they never had a backup plan in case their 80-year-old candidate gets a last-minute health issue. Just breathtaking incompetence, they absolutely deserve to lose against senile gameshow hosts over and over.


I think there was no plan B because any plan B would have been obviously preferable, thus screwing over Biden, his family, and his advisors. They are what prevented it.

It would have taken courage, and there is no courage in Biden’s orbit. The democratic party need to man the fuck up and coup Biden. Electeds need to publicly withdraw support and force him to renounce the nomination.

If he is fine he has 5 days to prove it, easy as pie. Hold a press conference, do five interviews on TV/podcasts. If he cannot prove it, fuck him.

Should Biden drop out, and do you think he will?
  • I want him to drop out, and he will.
  • I want him to drop out, but he won’t.
  • I want him to stay in, and he will.
  • I want him to stay in, but he’ll drop out
0 voters

Have we done a poll on what people think the results will be? If he stays in, Dems win the presidency. If he’s replaced, Dems win the presidency. It doesn’t matter

Right, but it’s the opposite.



Needs “I have no fucking clue on either” option.

Before the debate I was on the Biden is the best chance train. But if more and more prominent Dems are calling for him to step down, then they could be hearing from his inner sanctum that the debate wasn’t an aberration.

Seems pretty easy to solve. Stage some mock debates, which he should be doing constantly to practice anyway. Have some idiot hurl lies at him and see how he does in real time.

But of course that probably makes too much sense.

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Biden could have planned to be a long-term president and Dems could have nominated the best possible candidate and the polls would probably still have them at 60% at best to retain the White House.

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Biden still apparently does ok at speaking engagements. This whole debacle is 95% on whoever decided to prep him for that debate with a gigantic decision tree of very specific facts and figures. JFC just have him memorize a bunch of canned one-liners like Trump.


“He has the morals of an alley cat”!! Even his zingers had no zing.

Nah, it wasn’t a content problem. The man’s brain simply wasn’t working. Hes 81 fucking years old. It happens.


I’m honestly trying to imagine Joe Biden zinging Trump and I just can’t see it ever happening

Will you shut up man?!


I now want Newsome if just for this potential debate interaction:

“How is Junior enjoying my sloppy seconds?”

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quote=“suzzer99, post:1074, topic:10626”]
Biden still apparently does ok at speaking engagements.

He uses a teleprompter in small group settings with rich donors. If he can’t do a fuckign press conference he will just continue to decline and lose the election. Even idiots who don’t follow politics know what an incapable senior looks like–and those idiots will decide the race. I just watched Fauchi, who is like 83, give a perfectly coherent and insightful interview. The problem with Biden isn’t that he’s bad, it’s that he’s bad and likely in the midst of further decline. If that is incorrect then he could easily prove otherwise.

I don’t care about bullshit talking points about how he can stand in one place and read a prompter. Show us the cards, face up on the table, or fold.

Do an interview with David Remnick–he has a podcast.

God, I watched like four Sunday shows. Currently listening to Debbie Wasserman Schultz. All these these surrogates are fucking losers. Joe needs to put up or shut up.

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A debate watch party in Los Angeles on Thursday night happened to feature Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, Pritzker, Whitmer and Beshear. There were other high-profile attendees – by a few answers in, Rob Reiner was screaming about losing and Jane Fonda had tears in her eyes, according to people in the room.