2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The best thing that could be said about Joe’s debate performance is that it happened in June, and with the speed of the news cycle, it will be mostly forgotten come November so he’ll have plenty of time to redeem himself–if he’s capable of doing so.


And surely he’ll be younger in six months.



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Fuck this nonsense. I want it over. I want his fat grease filled heart to finally seize and end this living fucking nightmare.

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I sometimes wonder: If Trump ever died while being on live TV, how many people watching would shout out “It worked” in surprise having done this just before:



You had me in the first half.

I thought you were gonna say “The best thing that could be said about Joe’s debate performance is that it happened in June, giving him time to drop out before it’s too late”

That works for me but apparently it’s not going to happen, and Trump still must be defeated either way, so going with the next best possibility.

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Joe had this best fundraising day today?

Snap buy Biden is the right play here. He’s not losing the nom

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it’s your money…

Whitmer or Gavin is a mildly interesting debate. I think Gavin is better, but barely.

From what I can tell, the two groups bringing up Biden’s age as an actual concern are:

  1. People who will vote D and are concerned this debate performance hurts Democrats chances.

  2. People who will vote R and have landed on this as the publicly acceptable reasoning for why “I just have no choice but to vote for Trump this time!”

It’s unclear what effect this has on any swing voters mostly because the politics of swing voters in this election are absolutely fucking insane.


Honestly Kamala seems low there. Same odds as Michele Obama? Isn’t there a scenario where Biden dies post convention and she is the only one on the ticket? Or where Biden steps aside but only if Kamala is the replacement?

Dems win swing voters by promising that they will use the power of the Federal goverment to give them stuff that they need. Rs counter by saying that they will give tax cuts (TAXES ARE BAD! is a very strong message in low info retail politics). Joe’s terrible performance feeds the R narrative becuase swing voters absolutely know that they can “trust” Rs to cut taxes (mostly for richer people, but whatever) whereas the Dems need those voters to believe that they will get what the Dems promise to give them. Rs will use the Joe’s A Senile Old Man You Can’t Trust Him To Deliver on Aything narrative, and it will absolutely work. Lots of people will pick the tax cut party for what they perceive as the sure thing.

Yeah I’m group one but I’m more worried about turnout.

I feel like this election could swing on people who don’t like Trump but don’t hate him that much because it’s been 4 years since he had power to do evil shit and his evilness is somehow humorous when he’s not in power. And these people are lazy and disengaged and won’t get off the couch for grandpa dementia especially in this economy and they probably think “if Trump was really that bad of course he will lose anyway”

Maybe I’m making all that up in my head but it feels like the right vibe when hear from the disaffected crowd which seems to be growing and growing.


The end of Trump isn’t the end of the nightmare. He has to lose. If that doesn’t happen the nightmare is just beginning.

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Eh, I see what you’re saying, but to “them” he’ll never actually lose. You’re correct that the end of Trump isn’t the end of Trumpism, but that’s true in all scenarios where it’s over for DJT. So all things being equal I’d like him to die painfully.

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Prefer Whitmer policies but Newsom prolly wafflecrushes the vote-getting.
Relatively young
Good looking
Pretty great at all the TV appearance shit.
The fact he used to boink Kimb Guil may even snag a couple weirdo maga votes…or maybe not. Dunno.

A personal belief I have is that Guilfoil, his ex wife, has legit blackmail information on Newsome, and if she doesn’t she’d make some up.