2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

looked fine from the clips i saw. did the little self deprecation at the start. that’s what he had to do. now he has to do some interviews.

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Just the story of millennials entire fucking lives playing out yet again, old fucks fucking everything up and experiencing none of the consequences.


Oklahoma wants schools to teach the bible. LA is putting the 10 commandments in every public school classroom including colleges. We live in a shithole country and are fucked.


That’s not enough. He has to be defeated.

If the opposition were someone like Jeb, I am ashamed to think that might make my vote swing R. Obviously I am mentally ill so ymmv.

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Yeah it’s partly that if he was that bad, in that way, then he will inevitably be bad again in another key moment. Not sure when it will happen.

It’s also that he was behind and needs to come back. If he can’t show he’s the competent one when head to head against Trump how’s he going to do that? anyone who cares about Trumps moral failings is already on his side, he can’t gain ground there.

Why not? You never know if you’ll get your turn in a future cycle. Trump is a good opponent to have, people hate him, he’s a corrupt idiot, he has a horrible record as president you can go after. You don’t have to own Biden’s baggage in the way that Biden does. I couldn’t imagine a guy like Newsome turning it down.

Edit: forgot to add that a good chunk of your base (like me) feels if they don’t turn out he could literally end Democracy. That’s a great advantage

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Man, it would be a satisfying early 90s late night cable movie to have the next debate be like some Bill Burr-like character wearing a Biden meatsuit and just eviscerate Trump for 90 minutes. I could handle Trump pulling out of NATO if I could watch that.

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So much this. Biden needs to forget about politics and just go full “shut up dude, you suck and we all know it.”

I think Biden should increase his bullet points in his answers from 3 to 5.

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  • Look, man
  • I mean,
  • The idea!
  • ???
  • C’mon

The idea that zzzzzz

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How the fuck did I just get ponied


Hi Risky. Missed ya! Off to bed here.




Right now literally every op ed on the NYTimes website is a call for Biden to drop out. Including one from the editorial board. What a shitshow.

Still look forward to reading their endorsement in a few months



One issue with dementia etc is that people don’t know how bad it is.

My dad is convinced he’s only forgetting a few things, and constantly argues that he’s remembered something correctly or “I would have remembered something like that if it had happened”

If Biden is down that path, then he probably doesn’t know how bad he’s gonna be.


The sad thing is he would be a legend if he dropped out.

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