Working out / health and fitness

What is happening in here

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Andrew Tate tweet bot :harold:


Sheer indefatigability

I’m not sure where the right thread is for posting Tate’s twitter, but this isn’t it. Going to start deleting any more Tate posts.

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Irony please

or just iron

9 rounds

Yeah. Can we fuck off with this shit.

Running is for the birds. I’m signed up for the Chicago marathon this fall, and I’m going back and forth on how seriously to train for it. I read Hansons Marathon Method after running the Indianapolis marathon last fall. I don’t know that I’ll follow the plan in this book, but it definitely makes me appreciate how under prepared I was for the race last year. In terms of total mileage, I think I was on the low end of ok. But where I really lacked was the quality work, particularly longish runs at race pace.

I’ve been building up miles to the 35-40 miles per week level, and I’ve also tried to include one day of speedwork per week. It’s that speedwork that makes me feel like a broken down old man. Today was on the treadmill:

  • 15 minute warm-up
  • 1 minute at 6:00 minute/mile pace
  • 3 minutes at recovery pace (9:30-10:00 pace)

repeat steps 2-3 8 times, followed by 10 minute cool down. I felt like a flailing clown during the faster intervals, and now I feel like taking a 3 hour nap. But I will say that on the treadmill, there’s no slacking off like there probably would be if I had done this outside. Just set the pace and go.

Life was so much easier last year where basically all of my runs were at very relaxed paces - I translated the “keep the easy miles easy” mantra to “keep all the miles easy”. But that’s probably also why I ended up somewhat disappointed with my time at Indianapolis.


I’m out of shape. Wanted to do martial arts. Figure, why not try muay thai? One of my students does a private class at a nearby gym. So why not give one a go myself?

Basically spent an hour having my posture corrected. I mean dude if my knees don’t bend that way, they just don’t bend that way. Let’s get to doing something ffs. I’m not here to be a world champion. I’m nearly 40.

First time I ever left any kind of exercise or martial arts class feeling depressed and helpless in my life.

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3 months into my workout plan my weight remains at ~270#. I must confess I have done zero work in the Kitchen and basically haven’t lifted the last two weeks.

Squat Max is up to 275 X 3. Basically my body weight.

Deadlift, as of yesterday. I have reset down to the minimum (135#) and I am working my way back up with Strict Form. Yesterday I did 5 sets of 5 at 135#. My back has been wonky ever since I overdid deadlifts a few months ago. My 1rm used to be 405.

Upper Body remains weaker. I have just been using Machines. I can’t remember what the settings translate to but I am up to 144 at 3x10 on the chest press machine. I can’t do a full pushup yet. I guestimate when the chest press gets closer to 200 it will be doable.

Nice work!

A couple of questions.

  1. Have you thought about doing bench press or overhead press? As well as being great movements, I find that the big lifts all help you figure out how your body moves, which is essential for squats and deadlifts especially.

  2. On deadlifts. What’s your sense of control over which muscles are involved in the lift? Deadlift should be very glute focused, which takes pressure off the lower back.

Consider adding single leg deadlifts to your routine. Really helps you isolate the glute and feel the movement.

I do a machine version of ohp and lat pull downs and lat rows as well. Only because I go to LVAC with my gf and want to work out together when I can. Also fuckers horde all the benches. My goal is to spend no more than an hour there so I tend to do whatever is open. She refuses to use free weights so far. She also lacks the mobility to squat with me so she does machines.

I did weave some dumbbell bench press days in there though. I am going to weave in some Crossfit classes later this summer when not traveling. I miss olympic lifting.

Edit: On deadlifts I am not sure about the feels lately. Maybe because my form feels all over the place? I never was worried about my lower back at all anytime until this year when I lifted too much while trying to figure out my 1rm. I had always heard that having bad form could hurt your back but never had any issues until now. I don’t feel like I have any serious back issues. Any pain seems like overloaded muscles and goes away after a couple of days. But I can easily tweak it, simply by sitting on my couch with bad posture. At 135 I don’t feel much, but it destroys my hamstrings still. Heck after Mondays deadlift my left arm/shoulder was so sore I couldn’t do anything pulling. A general goal of mine is to build in more core/glute work which is probably a lot of my problems.

Starting to squat and deadlift at the gym about a year after knee surgery. Leg has become so weak that 80-year-old ladies would laugh at the weights I’m pushing, but feels great to even be able to begin the rebuilding process.


Yeah it’s a great feeling after a long layoff. I had a rotator cuff injury that stopped me from doing anything like bench press of OH press for about 6-9 months, it felt SO good to get back at it.

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I kind of like being injured. It’s a legit excuse not to lift. I hate lifting.

Two weeks without working out.

I’ve been really sick with some kind of non covid flu type thing that I still havent quite shaken. Plus I tweaked my back so didnt try and rush back.

First session back today. Staying super light. Just to get the DOMS out the way without them ruining my week.

Then going to start my routine back with the rule. A break sets you back by twice its length.

So I’m going back 4 weeks worth on 531. Ah well.


nah man, best feeling in the world. one of the very few things i look forward to on a daily and weekly basis.

cardio’s great (i hate jogging, but literally anything else. i jump-roped for 20 minutes today), but there isn’t a better feeling than a couple hours after lifting weights…

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I agree that I feel fantastic when it’s over. It’s the actual doing it that I dislike. I really envy people who like to lift. Maybe better programming would solve this. But I’m too lazy to even spend time figuring that out. So hating it is arguably my own fault.