Working out / health and fitness

Is back off set the same as drop set?

Yeah. Its at about 60 to 70% of a hypothetical 1RM.

Seems extra volume in this range is an important part of many programs. So i add it in where i can. But if i skip for a day or do 2x5 or 3 x5 im not too bothered.

Just found this thread near the top. I’ve had. A little home gym set up for about 5 years now. Just a small rogue squat rack with arms so I can safely do all lifts alone and fail reps without dying. Way back I was doing 5x5, but I stalled quick even though I wasn’t doing crazy weight. Also too many squats imo. According to my spreadsheet I switched to 5/3/1 in 2017 and liked it way more. Just so simple to do one thing each time. Eventually added the "boring but big 60% 10 reps x 5. And have basically stuck with that. Mind you I’ve never read the pdf and am just going off some website. I basically only do 5/3/1 with those 5x10 @60% at end and on bench day I do chins 3-4 sets and pulls on press day. Dog walks every day for light cardio and some exercise bike occasionally for sweaty cardio.

Remember hitting my body weight on bench being great. I’ve been about 185lbs (5’11) consistently since I started. I eat more on workout days, but never bulked so always up and down around that .

Been stalling out a bit on my bench and press and decided to give bulking shot after last max bench seasion, but am having a hard team eating enough. I never try for 1RM PRs, I just do the program, but I think I can get a single of 225 now since I hit 2 reps of 215 last time on the heaviest day. There is always something alluring to the bro exercise plate benchmarks even though I love squats and deadlifts more and I think more proportionally strong on this lifts.

We rebuilt out garage this year and it’s detached and cold in there, but I can finally over head press not sitting. Had to drop 15 lbs. Tried only 5 and it was laughable.

Used some holiday money for a deadlift jack I’ll get to use for the first time tomorrow. Pumped. Was so annoying changing the bar.

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300 at 200 is nothing to sneeze at.

BTW, was it you that said your GF was getting her passport renewed? Did that get done? How long did it take?

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Yup probably, it was actually a first time passport and we received it in the mail just under a month after requesting it. I was shocked by how quickly it came back.

Yeah. Its amazing how much easier it is to add to your lifts when eating a lot. Night and day.

Im about to do my first reset of texas.

Friday lift went something like

111 (last week)

Going to drop 10% and start again. Then will go to 531 after that.

No, back off usually just means lower than you actually could bench. So if you’re trying to increase your bench from 225, you’d do some work at say 175.

Drop sets usually means bench to failure, remove some weight, bench again to failure, etc.

Back off sets are usually part of a longer term strategy to increase strength, basically setting yourself up for success on your heavy lifts. Drop sets are a body building / hypertrophy technique.

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benching to failure always just scared the shit out of me, even with a spot.

Had an trainer way back when who would have me do push ups to failure after bench presses as the volleyball girls came in for their workout. That was effective.


I bench in the rack so I feel safe.

Yeah I have the spotter arms on my squat rack. Literal lifesaver as well as letting you push it. I go to failure often on my heaviest set when the next rep is not likely, but has some possibility.

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Since I got tired of starting over with my old workout program again and again after I took few days off (like for christmas) I am now basically following this challenge:
I am not doing these every day. Usually Tuesday and Thursday and some non jumping on Saturday if I can motivate myself. But 50s per excersise is getting really tough after few. My old program was usually 20s. My main problem with this was once I took few days off without any “dynamic squats” I would always have sore muscles after getting back into it. I dont watch before so its a surprise and I have no idea what is coming next otherwise it would probably demotivate myself when I see whats coming up last. :D

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I guess I’ll pull the trigger. I’ve got no plans, but my passport expires pretty soon. Might as well take care of it.

If anybody’s got a Peloton referral code, please shoot me a DM, I’m purchasing soon. (Don’t post the code ITT, it sounds like Peloton doesn’t like if you post them publicly :man_shrugging:)

Tried doing some tabata workouts the last week. Felt pretty good.

20 seconds on. 10 seconds off. 4 minutes total. Supposed to be crushing and it is.

Trying to get a little extra cardio and lower body volume to fill some gaps.

Will see how my general fatigue levels go over the coming weeks.

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Anyone got an opinion on if this is any good?

Looks reasonable but not great. Its listed the weight capacity as 610 pounds. Which should be more than enough for any of us ITT. But is considerably less than most racks you might buy from a brand name. That may mean its a little lower quality all round, but its also a lot cheaper.

If you have space to bolt to the wall and arent looking to spend much i reckon it would give you everything you need.

I swore off going big on squats awhile ago. Always ended up hurting myself despite various attempts at keeping my form better. My goal isn’t to get huge either. Probably won’t go beyond 225 again.

Closest I’ll come to that limit is if I try to do a pull-up lol.

Yeah should be fine even if you do work up to heavier.

If you are getting injured, then i would work on your form and your movement patterns. Probablh something going wrong there that can be fixed.

With squats its probably about hip mobility and getting your glutes more involved.

Stumpled over this through my other workout videos:

I had to stop after 8. I could get in few more later during the song but the “down” part is really tough for me.

His website seems for free unless i missed something.

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I’m really sick of them deep-faking someone else’s head onto my body.