Did the exact same thing
nerdlegame 41 4/6
I also did it yesterday, sigh.
Did the exact same thing
nerdlegame 41 4/6
I also did it yesterday, sigh.
I can’t believe you guys are guessing rupee before puree
4 because I guessed a different unit of currency that’s been in the news recently that fit the same pattern for guess #3. Also I think I got today’s word on quardle at one point, so I think subconsciously this was filed away in my head as having been used already and I doubt I would have tried it first.
Wordle 255 4/6
The latter was eliminated for me as a possibility on guess #3.
Heh, I got this in three because the two yellows in my second are the same as the two yellows in your third. I was convinced that the word couldn’t possibly be the word, but I couldn’t make anything else fit at all.
Wordle 255 3/6*
Daily Quordle #36
After a strong start to Quordle, I only made it by the skin of my teeth.
Wordle 255 3/6*
Probably the longest time spent yet on this one.
Fuck you so much dordle
Daily Dordle #0036 X&7/7
Failed Quordle today. I don’t think it helped that my last two guesses didn’t even include a known letter. Karma is a bitch
Daily Dordle #0036 3&4/7
This was stupidly lucky.
Also, I’ve started timing myself in sedecordle instead. Shade under five minutes
Daily Dordle #0036 6&4/7
Could easily have failed here.
Found quordle easier than dordle
Daily Quordle #36
Gonna be hard for me to do better than this in octordle given that my first two guesses are always the same.
Daily Octordle #36
Wordle 256 5/6
Did you know that “Satan” isn’t in the word list?
Since the NY Times took it over it seems like there have been a lot more double letters and similar cheap feeling tricks.
Holy shit.
Daily Octordle #36
Opener = AISLE
Today felt fun and smooth. Made progress with every guess.
Wordle 256 4/6
Time to retire from octordle ATC
Been a while since I got one in 3.
Wordle 256 3/6*
This was mainly luck.
Wordle 256 2/6*
Meanwhile I had my second fail in wordle. A wonderful combo of play bad and fail to get there. Second and third guesses were mistakes and then had a 3/4 chance and of course missed
Wordle 256 X/6*
Wordle 256 5/6
Dordle was great. Quordle sucked. Binked a 2 in Octordle and still almost failed.
Daily Dordle #0037 4&3/7
Daily Quordle #37
Daily Octordle #37