Wordle 254 3/6*
I think I got a bit lucky here
Wordle 254 3/6*
I think I got a bit lucky here
Octordle definitely isn’t only tough because of the number of puzzle but also because of the words they select
Daily Octordle #35
Daily Octordle #35
Guys need to get gud
nerdlegame 40 3/6
…is that not allowed?
Not in hard mode!
Lol spoilers!
Nice, also hit a clockless Octordle as well today (my first).
Daily Octordle #35
Wordle 254 3/6
Jwax is very passionate about how other people play a completely meaningless game. You do you imo
Wordle 255 4/6
Come at me!
I feel cheated out of a 3
Wordle 255 4/6*
I’m kinda mad at the word, but we still got 'em
Wordle 255 6/6
Thank you Zelda.
Wordle 255 3/6*
ETA: Kinda feel dumb for not thinking of jwax’s word, which is much more reasonable, but I’ll take the luck.
Feel like I stuck the landing getting a 3.
Wordle 255 3/6*
Got todays wordle in three but seems like a bit of a trick. Don’t remember it using a word like that before.
Wordle 255 4/6
Daily Dordle #0036 5&6/7
Daily Quordle #36
Daily Octordle #36
Dammit, so close to 2.
nerdlegame 41 3/6