Daily Quordle #17
Daily Dordle #0017 5&6/7
Wordle 236 5/6*
Daily Quordle #17
Daily Dordle #0017 5&6/7
Wordle 236 5/6*
First time getting it in two. Pretty lucky opener!
Wordle 236 2/6
Wordle 236 4/6*
My C&P for dordle and quordle is broken. Not sure how to get them back.
My fourth guess was 801/1000. Nothing has come close since and I’ve since given up.
An etymology course would probably be useful here.
Yeah I’m not sold on this being reliably solvable. I got a 698/1000 after a couple dozen guesses, tried to build on that using my cold guesses that were in the teens as a rough guide to point me in the right direction, nothing. Finally gave up and saw very very little relationship between the target and my 698 word.
Just for shits and giggles, typed in a word afterward that I thought was very closely related to the target and it was only a 650.
If anyone wants a toehold on today’s Semantle:
Guess | Similarity | Getting close? |
coding | 26.23 | 624/1000 |
algorithm | 23.58 | 217/1000 |
transistor | 22.77 | 34/1000 |
design | 22.75 | 28/1000 |
data | 21.94 | (cold) |
silicon | 20.74 | (cold) |
wafer | 20.04 | (cold) |
binary | 19.76 | (cold) |
helios | 19.33 | (cold) |
spherical | 18.70 | (cold) |
encoding | 18.68 | (cold) |
memristor | 18.35 | (cold) |
code | 18.26 | (cold) |
noncoding | 18.11 | (cold) |
subroutine | 17.95 | (cold) |
diode | 17.41 | (cold) |
breadboard | 17.40 | (cold) |
physics | 17.30 | (cold) |
cathode | 17.11 | (cold) |
biology | 16.95 | (cold) |
microchip | 16.47 | (cold) |
boolean | 16.11 | (cold) |
heliocentric | 15.89 | (cold) |
silica | 15.36 | (cold) |
doping | 15.32 | (cold) |
atomic | 15.25 | (cold) |
spectrum | 15.21 | (cold) |
Semantle, maybe I really don’t understand this game when cryptography is my current best guess but “secret” and “writing” are ice cold. How can a word be so close to cryptography and so far from its literal meaning?
Semantle seems to be very arbitrary unless you have some very specialized knowledge.
I’m sure linguists and etymologists would do better with this.
Or the algorithm just kind of sucks.
I’m sorry for subjecting you all to this. Semantle sucks
Wordle 236 4/6*
Daily Dordle #0017 4&5/7
nerdlegame 22 4/6
Not great today
Just made it
Daily Dordle #0017 3&7/7
Longshot guess on the final word of quordle got me the win lmao
Daily Quordle #17
clear as day that the creator of quordle uses British English
Daily Quordle #17
Only took me 18 guesses to get a top 1000 word! Figured this game out!
I got my first one on my 41st guess. I finally guessed it on guess 549. You can really get trapped into local maxima/dead ends until you can gain purchase somehow.
I am completely beside myself.
So I’ve guessed 100 words. I have 10-15 words in the top 100. After getting one word yesterday and giving up, I’m feeling pretty good.
So I’m trying to get my wife to play. I show her the words I have already and ask her to guess a word. She rolls her eyes and blurts something out.
Yep. That happened.
On a less depressing note.
nerdlegame 23 2/6
I solved wordle early today. I just went to the site and now there is a ny times logo and a new puzzle, though it’s only 8pm.
I subscribe to ny times games and it’s not on that app yet.
Edit: it’s the same word, just lets me redo the puzzle.
What are your difficulty rankings on these games. In decreasing order I’ve got
Dordle > Quordle > Wordle
The first two are close. Does anyone know if they use the same word sets? Quordle seems to have more weird words than the other two.