Definitely an unlucky start. I got very lucky with
I don’t think I had any other option for the last guess based on previous letters used (well I can’t think of one).
Definitely an unlucky start. I got very lucky with
I don’t think I had any other option for the last guess based on previous letters used (well I can’t think of one).
Wordle 230 4/6*
I’m quite enjoying nerdle
Nerdle 16 4/6
Only just scraped through dordle…
Daily Dordle #0011 4&7/7
Someone else mentioned this type of issue. Once you had 4 right on the left word, a guess like BADGE, BEGET, BATED, or GATED can tell you which letter you need to complete the left, while giving info on the right. Say guess 4 was BADGE instead of TRAIN or whatever. Then you get on the right, and you know the left is GRAIN, for guess 7.
Then, for guess 5, you can do PLOWS, SCOWL, or some other word with lots of unused but likely letters to have a better chance. In this case, the double E fucks you unless you get lucky early on the right side.
nerdlegame 16 3/6
get last three letters in word 1
end up with god damn 5 sigh
Wordle 230 4/6
I run bad
Wordle 230 6/6
2 days later, improved thanks to a sick bink on the 2nd guess and sick near bink on the 3rd
Daily Dordle #0011 4&2/7
Reasonable wordle too but still looking for my first 2/6
Wordle 230 3/6*
2nd day in a row with a 3, where I thought no way was my 3rd guess the word.
Wordle 230 3/6
Absolutely devastating watching the letters flip on guess #2.
Wordle 230 3/6*
Good day all around.
Wordle 230 3/6*
Daily Dordle #0011 4&5/7
Nerdle 16 3/6
Daily Dordle #0011 7&4/7
Wordle 230 4/6*
Nerdle 16 3/6
Wordle 230 3/6
Daily Dordle #0011 6&4/7
How do people keep getting wordle in 3 or fewer guesses?
Subtle brag alert, but I have a very extensive vocabulary although it’s often masked by IOS autocorrect.
I must be missing something in the game mechanics that lets people guess correctly so early. What tricks am I missing?
Ok so I failed Wordle yesterday and nearly failed dordle. Today’s gonna be a 2/3.
Wordle 230 5/6*
God damnit!
Daily Dordle #0011 3&5/7
Well I suppose that wasn’t bad.
nerdlegame 16 3/6
At least I’m goodly smart at the numbers
I think I got fairly lucky the last two days, but I did think about likely consonent combos that could fit around the vowel position/s. Also, if you get two misses on the position of another letter you can often tell where it should go is you know a few letters. So I’d say consciously use some language sense, but I’ve also had a couple of 6 days, so my tune may change.
For the fight/might/light one, I chose the word I thought they were more likely to use, which was light, which was right (which would have been my next choice).
Wordle 230 3/6
Wordle 230 3/6
The fuck
Wordle 230 6/6*
Almost failed today.
Sweardle day 29 4/4