Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

I would be zero percent shocked if the lawn jockey ornaments and the threatening sign arrived after the black family.

In an episode of All in the Family, Archie Bunker is given a black lawn jockey as a gift. Mike (Rob Reiner) warns Archie not to put it out. Archie sees George Jefferson, his black neighbor, and says “I am putting this out front!” and Jefferson answers “Thanks for reminding me, Archie, tonight’s garbage pick-up night.”

It’s wild how in the 60’s the mainstream pop culture wasn’t afraid to call out racist shit like lawn jockeys but today we would give Archie Bunker every benefit of the doubt.


70s. I watched some of All in the Family in its first run.

Archie was in some ways a sympathetic, likable Hillbilly Elegy-style oaf, but the message of the show was never that he shouldn’t be challenged or that George Jefferson shouldn’t aggressively call him out on his bullshit.

Too bad the writing sucked. It took another generation for a Hillbilly oaf dad on a show with a message to be funny.

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Kind of sad how we’ve fallen from George Jefferson to Apu. George would have clocked Homer upside the head.

George was a good character and had a lot in common with Archie and that was good. Lamont and Meathead were woke.

Don’t get me wrong I think this is very cool but there is a lot of implication the pizza place is donating food to the homeless when in reality their customers are paying full price to have them give the pizza to the homeless.

I want to celebrate the customers of this pizza place more than anything.

“Pizza chain serves pizza for price of pizza” isn’t as catchy or clickbaity of a headline though.


Well not with that attitude

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Unstuck needs a health & working out LC thread, vote title

  • Of Studs And Spuds - OSAS
  • In Varying Fettle - TVF
  • OK, Humors - OH
  • Ripped, Rugged, Raw, Ready, Robusto - RRRRR (yes this is a Klob callback)
  • Other (please specify you waggish word wizards)

0 voters

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Should probably change that to just “Studs And Spuds”, I’d rather the health thread shares an acronym with the Special Air Service than with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome?

The latter probably is more accurate though.

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Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Bought Their 6-Year-Old Daughter A $65,000 Michael Jackson Jacket For Christmas Because They Are Very Very Rich

They’d have been late in the draft, but they would have been drafted.


Maybe your draft.

I know many of you guys live in places with actual weather but this went off really loud, woke me up from a sound sleep and scared the bajeesus out of me. Was cancelled ten mins later. Good going assholes. Its a hell of a storm though

It can get cold enough here in winter that it doesn’t matter if you use C or F, they’re both the same (-40).


What I use… Gmal, Wikipedia, twitter, YouTube, android & Chrome.

Occasionally I use reddit and Google maps… I prefer an atlas tbh as its easier for me to read and retain the info.

January & February for us Scots… And with the football winter break during those months it’s our dark days :pensive: and worst weather conditions.