Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

For me, the executive membership with their credit card pays for the membership and then some, and that’s not even trying to pro-rate the membership costs against the cheap meat, booze, and cleaning supplies.


I just joined Costco for the first time and I’ll be honest my mind is still blown from our first trip on Friday. Totally taking suggestions. Interested in meat, booze, and general grocery stuff.

I go through a borderline comedic number of k-cups for my Keurig and finding out that I was going to be cutting that cost in half was enough to pay for the executive membership almost 5 times a year without any kickbacks whatsoever.

Panic! at the Costco


Best thing about Costco is the milk comes in that container which looks suspiciously like a gas or oil can, however it’s still greta because it fits snugly in your refrigerator door which frees up badly-needed main shelf real estate

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I don’t know if you can get the fully compostable pods from San Francisco Coffee Roasters in your neck of the woods, but get those. The coffee is good, and it’s much less waste.

Basically all meat at Costco is a good buy, bested only ever by doorbusters at other grocers. Basically all booze is at a good price, but obviously not all people will look at the same $15 bottle of wine as being worth it. They’ll typically rotate wines on sale, and I’ll usually just buy those.

I’m less concerned with the coffee quality and more concerned with the caffeine content honestly. The only reason I haven’t moved on to caffeine pills at this stage of my addiction is that the potential to raise my tolerance terrifies me. I feel guilty about the K-cups, but also feel guilty about all the plastic that happens when I just go to a coffee shop, which is often.

I’m not sure what to do about my caffeine addiction. I definitely have a problem. If I don’t get my fix the headaches are basically full blown migraines that are crazy painful and just total my day until I get well.

It’s the last thing left from the days when I used to only drink soda basically (quitting drinking almost any calories was a key contributor to my losing 80 pounds over the last 2-3 years). The sugar I quit, the caffeine not so much.

I take a caffeine pill every morning (200 mg - about two espresso shots) and usually that’s all I need for the day. Of course I also take a ritalin at lunch so YMMV.

I tried for about 5 minutes to quit caffeine since it’s bad for my rosacea and acid reflux. I was prepared to feel lethargic and get a headache. But I wasn’t prepared for to question all my life’s goals and the whole point of my existence. Funny how zero energy will do that. Maybe I’ll make another run at it some time.

I tried to take a ritalin in the morning. But it takes too long to kick in.

I quit caffeine cold turkey about 10 years ago. It was awful for a few days, but then you don’t get headaches any more and sleep better. Just take some Advil and power through it. I fell off the wagon some time ago, though.

Those headaches can be brutal, but if you wean off slowly over a week or so you don’t get headaches. At least that’s been my experience when I’ve quit caffeine a bunch of times.

I go to the original Costco that has been opening in San Diego since 1976 and it’s so fucking packed outside of the first hour they are opened it is insane. I’ve seen so many people screaming at people over parking spaces I’m shocked I’ve never seen an actual fight. They added a stop sign at the entrance to the lot mysteriously one day to help people leaving the parking lot and so many people blew straight through it after not having one for 40 years they changed it back again like a week later. Also the setup for the gas is one giant line which funnels into 10 different pump lanes with different amounts of pumps which creates tons of chaos and people cutting each other off.

The only way I even go now is to get there a half hour before they open, pump gas, and then skip the line of 100 people waiting to get carts right as they open and just walk straight in and only get what I can carry with my bare hands on my weekly trip and then have a Costco hot dog, an açaí bowl, and a churro for breakfast and like 10:30am. I only use the self checkout and I seriously hate the guy who works it because he insists on helping me and I literally had to be a dick to him for like a month so he leaves me alone. Yes I can scan a fucking case of soda without dropping it and breaking the scanner please go away you’re ruining the entire point of using self checkout.

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I feel like a weirdo/outlier when I tell people I’ve never drank coffee. Just can’t do the taste. I’ll drink maybe 3 green teas a month but otherwise consume zero caffeine, so I’m convinced that caffeine isn’t necessary at all and is more of a dependency. Tell me I’m wrong.


I love their jeans. Their green tea is the GOAT for pre packaged stuff too. I prefer loose leave but always have a box of their tea on hand for when I need it.

I also demolish their chicken sausage. I am always watching carbs so I heat a couple in the oven in eat it with mustard.

If I was a hyper kid I wouldn’t need caffeine. I always envied hyper kids. So much easier to get things done. And transitions better into adulthood where you slow down a little every decade.

Good point, my untreated ADHD might be a factor here.

When my kids were young we would go to a family camp every year where there wasn’t much to do for adults and I got a lot of sleep including a nap every day during camp-wide mid-day quiet hour. I quit caffeine every year for that week. I wasn’t a huge addict and it really only bothered me for a day. But, as long as I got a lot of sleep I didn’t have the slightest craving. Starting back up was always caused by sleep deprivation in the real world.

I have that too - but somehow it’s only my brain that’s hyperactive.

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Oh ya the funniest shit I heard was my friends neighbor is a manager at a Costco and said they take complaints all the time from people about all the organic food they have. Like hey where’s the non organic shit I don’t want these strawberries. I didn’t even know there were people on this earth who would do that.

Yeah I used to quite ahead of long climbing trips because I was up early every day and sometimes in the deep backcountry to get after alpine climbs and it was too much of a PITA to bring coffee and a stove, etc. For some reason I never thought of caffeine pills back then.

I usually assume “organic” labels are bullshit justification for higher prices so I can see where they’re coming from.


Unrelated, the DC area is getting maybe an inch or two of snow this afternoon, and apparently OPM just mandated that all government employees leave and all offices close by 1pm. Lol. (I am not a government employee.)