Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Never a truer word spoken…

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Well… every theistic religion must have started out as a religious cult with a tiny membership and Christianity is no different. Stupid humans give this drivel credence once it achieves critical mass.

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I would argue that religion cannot achieve mass appeal without help from, and indeed the insistence of, government, or at the very least government leaders. Without Constantine and Theodisius I, Christianity might still be a replacement-level cult/superstition. Islam didn’t spread as far and wide as it did because of mass religious enlightenment, but because conquered peoples were forcibly converted.

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Christianity and Islam didn’t spread into a vacuum. They supplanted previously existing religious traditions.

I have a hard time imagining a society capable of having a government that wouldn’t have some form of religion. Religion fills a sociological function. It doesn’t have to be a form that we are familiar with, but it will always exist.

Early 00s was GOAT. You had the rock revival from NYC outlined in “meet me in the bathroom” of the strokes, interpol, yeah yeah yeah, white stripes, bloc party, tvotr, LCD soundsystem and countless others.

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And you wouldn’t try to collect whatever was owed during the lease term after they moved then as well?

Or would you send a debt collector out of state to ruin their life, so you’d get the few thousand bucks left owed on the lease?

Just checking the extent of your benevolence. No gotcha.

@Trolly @ChrisV


Not my cup of tea, but better than Linkin Park!

At DC for vacation

Hope it’s fun


LOL Trevor raging on dino deniers is glorious


Did you all know Weight Watchers is apparently called just WW now?

Also mark mcgrath got married at mar-a-lago yesterday so Fuck Sugar Ray and Fuck Mark McGrath or as one twitterer called him “the Ted Nugent of Scott Baio’s”


The answer is obviously no, nobody else does that and it absolutely makes no sense.

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Anyone put conditioner in their hair, Gene?

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Shut the door baby, don’t say a word


Isn’t China’s government and society at least ostensibly atheistic?

Technically, but in reality it’s a cult of personality and their deity is the Chairman. Same was true for Russia under Stalin.

Doesn’t seem true anymore, but isn’t China plenty Buddhist, Confusian, folk religion, and other? (Muslim too in concentration camps)