Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Lake Superior is the biggest lake in the world.

Technically the biggest is the Caspian Sea I think.

Superior is the largest freshwater lake.

Interesting, I forgot there was debate on this. I always used “not connected to another ocean or sea” as the definition of a lake but apparently there is debate on if the Caspian Sea is a lake or not.

Sounds like both are correct.

Bigger doesn’t mean better.

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too bloody right!


That would be good if Scots spoke that way, not Australians.

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What is the most succinct response to someone who says mail-in voting means there can’t be such a thing as voter suppression? I mean other than “fuck you.”

It’s pure dead brilliant man

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  1. There can still be barriers to register to vote. [How hard is it to register? What is the deadline? Do you have to affiliate with a party? How difficult is it to change your address if you move? Etc]

  2. Some states allow everyone to vote by mail, some only allow it for certain reasons. If, “I will be traveling in Europe on election day” is a valid reason but, “I have to work a 12 hour shift” isn’t, you’ve successfully manipulated the voter pool.

  3. There are probably tons of other small rules that could disproportionately impact turnout in some communities. Are the instructions only available in English? Many college campuses deliver mail via PO boxes, but the election board might require that ballots are sent to a street address.


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Utah is legalizing polygamy. JFC

That’s why crime is national here, not provincial. Couldn’t imagine some hicks on some tiny rock somewhere being allowed their own regional justice.

This is great, thanks!

Even for me, when I voted by mail in the last election here, there wasn’t a way for me to mail the ballot from my home. There is no “outgoing mail” box in my apartment and no flag to notify the postperson so I had to find a mail drop and there aren’t that many of these anymore so I had to walk a mile to the nearest one.