Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Oh are we purely rating on dunkability?

Not purely but for me itā€™s a factor in the overall rating of a biscuit. I guess if someoneā€™s not a tea drinker then it reduces in importance or even disappears.

But now I think of it digestives get more buttering points and cheesing points than most biscuits. Cheddar on a digestive (perhaps with pickle) is sublime (though not recommended for dunking).

MRW @ChrisV and @Rexx start squabblingā€¦


Certainly those who insult ANZAC BISCUITS must be beheaded.

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Male roos fight a fair bit. That was a good fight, needed Bruce Buffer on the mic.

Ginger nut biscuits are quite delicious and good for dunking but itā€™s a bit dependent on what area you live in Australia as the same company uses different recipes in different areas.

Thatā€™s true, theyā€™re one of the best but thereā€™s a danger of them suboptimally flavouring the tea. Hobnobs are also good.

Ginger nuts are an elite biscuit. Donā€™t know what hobnobs are.

Not if you drink black tea and dunk for precisely the right amount of time whilst the tea is still very hot.

Iā€™ve always assumed biscuits must be fat-soluble but not water-soluble, or far less so. The dunking experience is very different with milk vs no milk.

Iā€™ve always taken my tea black no sugar, even as a kid.

Grunch jmakin,

Call the health department and stop paying rent. You will win in any court case and wonā€™t have to pay anything until the heat is fixed. Or not, but you could do that. Dunno about helping your friend. You might be able to get all the rent you paid when the heat wasnā€™t working back.

As far as living with no heat, our heat doesnā€™t really work. I occasionally use a space heater (bathroom mostly) but a little electric heat pad does a fair amount and uses hardly any electricity. Warm slippers are good.


Unless they have a judgement against you or something they are taking the money out of your bank account because youā€™re giving it to them. Tell your bank to stop. Or not, but youā€™ll get away with it just fine.

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To be fair capitalism and stopping fascism never actually dated


Capitalism stopped your pony, tho.

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Iā€™m giving away a bunch of Steam Keys in the Video Games thread


You need to dunk it in milkā€¦ Put it in the cup of milk then just when it starts to sink grab it and eat.

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thereā€™s more than one way to skin a gold louis vuitton toilet

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I know most people are homeowners here who sit around in their wine caves debating which country puts salt and pepper on their food the best (and most authentically!) but hereā€™s the thing to remember in landlord-tenant law:

A motherfucker canā€™t make you contractually forfeit your rights, rights that supercede a contract