Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

You’d think that something’s gotta give eventually but who knows. It’s bad where I am ($400-$500 per sq ft in neighborhoods that aren’t at all desirable), but then I look at places in California and see that it can get way worse.

Read about this on Trump’s Twitter account.

So fucked up to know that’s where I got my news from.

Definitely came out of nowhere. Trump is still alive despite eating McDonald’s every day and a healthy athlete dies in a fluke crash.


I’m not sure if air hours is the best way to look at it since most helicopter rides are pretty short and take off/landing are when most accidents occur. I feel like as a flyer I’d want to know my odds of dying on this flight as my key metric.

Yeah, not all air hours are created equal. Take offs and landings are way, way more dangerous than cruising at 35000 feet.

Been in a lawsuit against the guy who sold me my house for over two years now, two other parties (our realtor, seller’s realtor) have settled. We were demanding $75k and the final mediation/settlement conference the mediator threw out $30k as a"fair" compromise. Seller’s final offer was $7500 lol…

So now going to trial starting tomorrow, I’m going to be on the stand for a couple hours, pretty nervous but very confident. Literally no idea what the seller is doing because he is going to get wrecked.


What’s the issue? Did the seller fail to disclose something?

Switch over to see the BBC news and they show the wrong Photo of Kobe Bryant… They showed Labron… Ufff

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Yeah tl;dr is he failed to disclose a bunch of stuff and claimed to have fixed things that he didn’t. He was a contractor who flipped the house and did the work himself/with a few others so he was aware of all the issues. Was also things that couldn’t be caught in inspection because they were hidden behind walls and stuff. One example, we had contractors working on the basement, they took down some drywall and found an alcove/small closet completely full of mold where water was leaking in; the seller had simply sealed it off because it was presumably too much too get fixed.

We were also very naive as first time homebuyers and trusted our realtor who said the issues were extremely minor based on his experience and pressured us to buy. In hindsight, numerous red flags.

And that makes helicopters relatively more safe since more of their time is spent in more dangerous activities, yet they are still safer per time.

The general takeaway for me is that helicopters aren’t nearly as dangerous as I would have guessed. I would have put them up there with motorcycles if not more dangerous.

Brutal. Sorry to hear it.


Lol realtors. Worse than useless.


Would be interested in a Riverman Useless Profession Rage Ranking

Politicians: Republicans
Politicians: Democrats
New York Times Journalists
Financial Advisors
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I noticed that and I don’t even follow basketball

I know all black basketball players look the same to your average BBC researcher but how hard was it for someone to notice the name JAMES on his back?

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god, melania sucks so much. the worst first lady of all time

I heard she’s calling her memoirs Unbecoming.