Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

i just don’t enjoy vegas. been twice, once for a conference under 21, and once for a bachelor party over 21. it was fun because i liked who i was with, but i wouldn’t choose to go to vegas for anything myself.

No it literally is

Anyway, thanks for the advice on posting.

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None of my posts stated or implied an opinion even remotely like this. You do this all the time and it is incredibly fucking annoying. Please stop.


I fear this distinct lack of interest in possible life on Mars means UP may be nothing more than a hangout for Kanamits. Bryce is the only one I trust rn. Maybe Rexx. micro’s not around bc you ate him, you alien bastards.



If I misunderstood your post, my apologies.


Doing grocery orders for pick up and allowing substitutions is like making a Christmas wish list. One of your aunts is like “I couldn’t find the one you wanted, but is this good?” and you’re like “uuuuuuuhhhhh, yep. Thaaaaaaaankss”.


I also do not understand how one could have gotten “puritanical” from ZZ’s critique of LV.

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I think it’s more like you get the appropriate deal, even if the sale stuff is sold out. Big pack of regular chicken is sold out? Here’s three small packs of organic chicken for the same price. YMMV, but I’ve only been mildly displeased a couple of times, and I’ve been doing online grocery shopping since Peapod (associated with Stop & Shop/Ahold) started with their own floppy disks for dial up.

Never even seen one in my life.

The worst was when I have ordered roasts I want to cook mid-rare and they sent me a few small steak size roast cuts in separate packages equal to the weight I ordered.

I did a big grocery order for November Vegetarian (I eat only vegetarian in November) and they substituted my fake chicken vegan frozen entree for the real chicken one. “Reason: you have ordered this in the past”. Yeah, but my whole order has no fucking meat. I didn’t actually cause a fuss because I could eat in December.

The substitutions are usually ok. Just not exactly what I wanted so I get the childish Christmas morning disappointment. “I wanted the sticks of butter, not the giant block!”

Now that I’m soon to be vaccinated, I’m thinking of entering grocery stores and buying my own stuff.

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Wow this is way way lower than I expected.

Should have been “opt in” from the start 15 years ago but I’ll take it. Zuck is a fucking monster.

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My only terribad substitution was cheap ass paper towels. I hate flimsy paper towels.

Anyone have a Chinese Rocket update. When is it supposed to hit, where?

I’m in Tampa and I fucking hope it hits right here soon.


I think you’ll find the space aliens on here are playing it cool so here you go.

Official predicted reentry is somewhere over the Mediterranean? Am I reading this correctly?

I’m a newb too but it looks like the red dot (re-entry point) is over the Indian Ocean with room to spare. I could have it wrong.

Edit: yeah, I was looking at an earlier projection. You’re right as of now.