Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Let’s meet another dog leaser:

What’s interesting here is that at seemingly no point do these people get the “Danger, Will Robinson!” warning alarms going off in their heads. Apparently pet stores are like crack houses for bad decision makers.

Those pound dogs don’t match my furniture.

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jesus christ these shitbags (the pet store and finance bros) should absolutely be yeeted into the sun but yeah, hey dumbasses, GO TO THE POUND


But that’s where poor people go for dogs.

The guy is obviously dumb as hell but its fucked up our system allows predatory mother fuckers to prey on dumb people, especially since our education system also fails these people.

I think there is probably more to the story of the $1,400/mo dude. Like his parents help with bills or he’s got a roommate or something. He doesn’t even have enough for food for himself after bills. He fucked up regardless but I have a hard time believing some dude has $300 left after basic bills and doesn’t even factor in food or gas before getting some pure breeds. I’ve met lots of stupid people but I’ve never met someone that stupid.

I mean that dude can’t even afford a free dog if that really is his finances. Can’t afford to feed himself. Dogs are pretty expensive. Vet bills and food.

Which is fucked up, we have people working full time, single, and can’t even afford a free dog.

There’s always someone stupider than the stupidest person you’ve ever met. This is a fact of life.

The combination of 3 and 7 is really something. Bad grandparenting really annoys and confuses me. Bad regular parenting is worse, but it’s understandable, because parenting is hard and parents are new at it, but grandparenting is easy, and you know exactly what you needed when you were a parent. It sure as fuck isn’t people coughing on your baby while preaching about how you could be doing a better job.

Very cool country we live in


It took me a hot minute to figure out what’s actually going on here because the articles and exposes don’t really articulate that well: Most of these gas huffers aren’t just buying dogs–they’re buying PUREBREDS and EXOTIC CROSSES as luxury goods to post on Instagram. At least two of the dogs featured were named after expensive luxury brands (Leica and Fendi). It’s in the Bloomberg article and the Wags Lending vampire squid said it himself:

But mostly because—thanks to a 36-year-old Nevadan who ditched a career in private equity to help subprime borrowers finance purebred pets—they can.

“We’re all for going to the shelter and adopting a dog,” Wunderlich answers. “But if a person wants a Chiweenie, they’re not going to go to a shelter and find a Chiweenie.”

Buying purebred dogs is laugh track material and anyone who doesn’t adopt a rescue is a total muppet, but aside from that I feel like there are a lot of unanswered questions here. If private equity scamboy’s company is truly about leasing purebred dogs, where are the breeder papers? Where are the genetic testing results? Pretty sure none of these people they interviewed had actual papers for the dogs. I’d bet dark that the vast majority of these dogs are from puppy mills and don’t meet any kinds of standards for proper husbandry and genetics.

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My mom adopted a family of feral cats at the start of the pandemic when all the animal shelters were closed. I’m only now getting to meet them. Pretty great.

People who need fancy pets as personality accessories or swag are just the worst. Most especially the morons who own exotics pets like tigers and shit.

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Just get a mutt and make up some new exotic breed no one’s ever heard of. None of your moron Instagram followers will know better.

Only influencers can do that and the market is comprised mostly of smoothbrains following them. I mean there just can’t be that many influencers relative to the population because the basic sociology math behind influencer culture doesn’t work. If Kylie Jenner posts a MORKIE then that will move markets, but some random $1400/mo dude making payments to Petland isn’t gonna put new breeds on the map.

i used to get into the most heated real life fights over it. thankfully i got old and weak so i just think that of people and not tell them to their faces

As I understand it, most of the petite bourgeoisie influencers rent luxury goods for photoshoots, which is why leasing a fancy dog makes sense. Seems like the smart play is to just pretend your regular dog is an exotic breed with a fancy name and no one will be the wiser.

It is extremely hard for me to get these cats to trust me, don’t know how mom managed it. I think they ran away from an abusive home in the past.

i’m on year 3 of that with the last dog we got…

That was my thought, the poor repo man!

You’ve reached the top of your profession, a seasoned expert. You know how to steal, er, repo just about any kind of vehicle and all sorts of luxury goods.

Then you get the call that you have to go snatch some deadbeat’s family dog.

This sounds like a great movie pitch. Timothy Chamelet is the repo man, Nic Cage is the dog.

Given Nic Cage’s financial situation, I’m prepared to believe a world where one could lease Nic Cage to be a live-in Nic Cage.