Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

He also has an award named after him. Ain’t nobody here got that. Their ain’t no otatop award reddit.


True. Same can be said of head of a Federal Reserve Bank.

Are those in Irkutsk? I have a lot of pictures like that.

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He certainly had a reason, though it may have been just that he wanted to look like a tough guy while knowing it was unlikely he’d be one of the randoms to get COVID at Trump’s rally. He was an arrogant ass but it was spectacularly bad luck it ended up actually killing him.

I don’t have a problem calling him an idiot, though I have to admit it’s more because I don’t like the guy than that I think he was unintelligent.

I’m kinda pissed my White elephant gift this year has been delayed in shipping

So gonna have to regift Nicky Cage pillow



Yeah in 2004 I spent a few days there and Lake Baikal. Very pretty area with interesting history.

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Merry Christmas to anyone in Australia or Japan!

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Gotta admit that I’m pretty fascinated by Russia though I’ve been told by Russians in Prague to stick with Moscow and St. Pete’s unless you know some Russian or travel with someone who does.

So, time to get a Russian-speaking girlfriend!

Just imagine USPS making this - Fox talking heads would explode.

Thanks! It’s 3am Christmas morning here and I’m awake because I’m going to the toilet. Also kind of dehydrated. Merry Christmas!

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Just pretend you’re a Republican Congressman and you’ll meet a bunch of them.


No other way to subdue a crazy guy armed with a bicycle lock. Gotta blast away and empty the clip. I mean if you just put one in his belly, he could stagger forward and hit you with the bicycle lock.

Dude, it was a HEAVY METAL CABLE LOCK. Sounds dangerous! We can’t just allow citizens to run around in public wielding objects with such dangerous potential, that’s just crazy talk. Luckily the cops were there with guns to make everyone safe.

I definitely didn’t see that ending coming!


So, the “Super proud triple vaxxed Ds” are less responsible than the “conservative” and merely doubled vaxxed couple?

I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas everyone!


At least their response didn’t involve guns…yet.

I am sure that they are feeling what a lot of people like them are feeling - they’re doing everything right, but they’re the ones being punished for it. I’m not saying I agree with that framing, but I can understand that feeling.


I don’t know about “everything right”.

Even in the before times I never would have let someone with a cold around my 8-week-old. That’s just nuts.

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