Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I am saying what I imagine they are feeling - that by getting the vaccines including boosters and generally being on the side of science and reality, they will feel like they should be rewarded with normalcy, not punished by needing to adapt to others. I am not saying that is logical or correct, I am saying that it is an attitude that will be shared by many people that are exhausted by the pandemic and frustrated with antivaxxers.


However, in this case normalcy would be staying away from an infant if you are sick with anything. So in addition to their feelings, at some point they would have to have forgotten what normalcy was.

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happy birthday to this very important political moment


Isn’t there some geological basis for it? Seems like India really ought to be its own continent because of plate tectonics and whatnot.

Edit: looks like Europe and Asia are just one big tectonic plate.

The geological basis is the Urals are an actual geographic feature. I’m sure there’s a mix of culture and science going on.

Don’t think so. Goofy had it right.

Yeah, I did my own research and it looks like he’s right.

All Romance language countries consider “The Americas” one continent. This is why the Olympic flag only has 5 rings: Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania.

Everyone in Latin America refers to Americans and Canadians collectively as “North Americans”. They do not consider Mexico or Central America to be part of North America. But again also do not consider North America a separate continent.

Literally no random American I’ve ever asked knows that Costa Rica is part of North America, at least from America’s POV. They always say South America, or occasionally Central America. Hence the title of my book: Land without a Continent.

Oh yeah, Latin Americans also get annoyed when we use “American” to refer to someone from the United States. In their minds we’re all Americans.

Agree Europe and Asia border is purely cultural and indefensible from a geographic POV.


The median America probably thinks Costa Rica is a resort in Mexico. I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED!

racism probably had something to do with it, but urals/caucuses not being big enough to separate europe and asia is kinda dubious. like himalayas separate china and india but we think they are same continent. we should start talking in terms of subcontinents.

Along these lines, do Mexicans ever get offended that we go by Estados Unidos.

No that’s what they call us other than gringo.

Yeah, but why should it be that way?

They’re just as much Estados Unidos as we are. They’re not salty that we got it? I would be, were I Mexican. Not a lot, but a very tiny amount.

How are they just as much Estados Unidos as we are? I’m talking about Mexicans in Mexico.

Their official name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Ah. Well I guarantee you in Mexico - Estados Unidos always means the US.

idk how Mexicans can get mad at English speakers for a term they came up with to describe us.


Start asking people you know: “What continent is Costa Rica in?”

Report back.

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