Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Most IUDs act to kill sperm, and prevent fertilization in the first place, rather than preventing implantation.

But most pro-life conservatives are anti-birth-control, because pro-life isn’t about life, it’s about controlling women.

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Thinking about this more, could the judge in the 110 year trucker case had made a thing about the prosecutor’s inconsistency between charging the injuries with 1st degree assault (depraved indifference) and the deaths as vehicular manslaughter (criminal negligence)? Basically if I were the judge in this case I’d be all why the hell are you mixing and matching different standards for the top charge here? Either try to prove criminal negligence or try to prove depraved indifference. The former obviously is swallowed by the latter, but you see what I’m saying.

And I think the reason the prosecutors didn’t charge depraved heart murder is really, really insidious. Because if they’re consistent and charge depraved heart murder and 1st degree assault as the top charge the jury will really think about the standard. Do we want to send this guy to prison forever and convict him of actual murder? No, depraved indifference isn’t the right standard, the right standard is criminal negligence. And they’ll come back with vehicular homicide and third degree assault or whatever, all served concurrently. But if they mix and match as they did, that goes out the window. They’re probably not even going to think that hard about the standard, he’s guilty. Prosecutor here is absolute scum.

Alternatively, could the defense have tried to get depraved heart murder added to the charges?

Watching the Kennedy Center honors with my parents. A bunch of old white people just all spontaneously stood up for Stevie Wonder. I love Stevie Wonder btw.

Imagine if someone nuked that whole theater. All the rich old Democrats would be out of the way and society could actually progress forward. I want to be clear that I am not actually advocating nuking the theater.

James Franco is probably the first actor I would have guessed had a sex addiction.

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I don’t know man…sets a bad precedent. What’s to stop me from selling all my bootleg Clapton cd’s now that I know he won’t collect on the damages?

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Nothing like googling how to do an emergent procedure at the end of a long night shift filled with covid.


That’s atrocious. It’s superficial decoration that has no relation to the building’s structure or how the space might be used by humans. Postmodernism at its worst.


They look like shitty casinos from the 90’s.

About those buildings being for - or having anything to do with - the poor in Bolivia…

“There have always been rich Aymara, but before Evo, they were timid. They didn’t want to draw attention to themselves,” Mamani said.

“Now they say, ‘This is where the successful Aymara live.’ They are proud of Evo, and they say, ‘I have wealth, I can show it off. I don’t have anything to hide.’”

Most of Mamani’s buildings are five or six storeys tall, with bold facades of Andean symbols, tinted glass and geometric patterns in relief. Each unique structure is an all-in-one compound to meet all the commercial, familial and aesthetic needs of the modern, urban Aymara.

The ground floor offers commercial space that the owner can use or rent. The second and third floors are exuberant ballroom spaces meant for weddings, parties and the quinceañeras , “Sweet 15” birthday celebrations that Bolivians wouldn’t think of having at home.

Covering the fourth and fifth floors are rooms for rent, or apartments for the owner’s family. At the top of the building, offset from the street, is a penthouse structure – the actual “chalet” typically with a gabled roof and huge windows to catch the sun and with views of snow-capped Andean peaks.

Most of his buildings cost between $300,000 and $600,000, Mamani said. Some even more.


Counterpoint. Art Deco has been and always will be cool

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Eric Clapton is one of two I can’t think about without thinking of Cumtown mocking him

can I get some cat ears

Also can we get New Years hats after Christmas?

Mother fucker died of a completely preventable illness FOR NO REASON.

Think of all the libs he owned before his martyrdom though.