Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

to whoever linked that atlantic article.

But I am afraid that the future, at least in major metropolitan areas, is one in which sooner or later elites will acknowledge their folly while continuing to impose it on others. I, for one, would not be surprised if for years to come it were the expectation in New York and California that even vaccinated workers in the service industry wear masks, the ultimate reification of status in a world in which casual dress has otherwise erased many of what were once our most visible markers of class.

lol, apparently the elites can no longer tell what class you belong to, and that’s the biggest reason for a mask. they are going to impose it on everyone and then remove the requirement for themselves. :roll_eyes:

I am confused. Does he think reading a 300 page book twice per week is hard when you don’t, like, have a job?

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At least in the biological sciences, being in grad school is like having ~1.5 or more full time jobs.

i returned the awful new anova and gotten a joule. i wish someone warned me that joule has no dial/temp reading without the app, but oh well. seems pretty nifty and very small. not as loud.

I assume most euro countries vaxxed workers have been masked basically the entire pandemic. Been that way in Canada.

I read slowly but could manage a YA novel. Which might explain why my reading volume peaked in 6th grade.

i’m more baffled by the idea that you need to read the reading at all, much less twice

Still trying to figure out the justification for tazing someone even if they flash a gun at a robot. It’s not like anyone’s life is being threatened.

Skin color

property damage is serious biz

Lol, wut?

Paging @Cactus

Probably depends quite a bit on the specific class.

Dude obviously went to a loser grad school. The literary criticism I was reading in grad school required multiple readings, but nobody had time to do it since we were all teaching multiple sections of classes we were wholly unqualified to teach in order to pay our tuition.

Even without that, I don’t think anyone had time to read Derrida twice. And there are many more demanding programs and fields.


University of Georgia, apparently

A Toyota spokesperson confirmed to The Drive that if a 2018 or later Toyota is equipped with Toyota’s Remote Connect functions, the vehicle must be enrolled in a valid subscription in order for the key fob to start the car remotely. To be clear, what we’re talking about is the proximity-based RF remote start system, where you press a button on the fob to start the car while outside of it within a certain distance—say, from your front door to warm up your vehicle in the driveway on a cold morning before you get in. Your fob uses radio waves to communicate with the car, and no connection back to Toyota’s servers is needed. But the function will not work without a larger Remote Connect subscription.



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I have a dolled-up Toyota (a Lexus) and the remote start was always via the app. Once the free first year expired I didn’t renew. I think it was $8/mo and also included app-based lock and unlock and some other stuff I didn’t use.

Yeah, I believe from what little I just saw around that a few companies have charged for the app sub for a few years now but not a key fob.

Fucking A. I just ordered a new Toyota Sienna minivan. Going to be fucking pissed if I have to pay a subscription to use my key fob. On the other hand, I’ve used the remote start feature of my current car only a handful of times, so maybe no great loss.