Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Um, so before you just used radio waves to start the car and now your car also has to talk to Toyota’s servers to make sure you have the subscription before starting…. so it’s worse than paying for nothing, it’s paying for adding a new potential point of failure?

Do we really believe that the car is talking to Toyota on every single start or just that it’s talking to Toyota once (or once a month), and Toyota is setting the feature to “on?” I bought a treadmill a few years back that in theory required a subscription to some bs service to run but there was a workaround with a reset that people found online. Hopefully there will be something similar for Toyota. This pisses me off enough that if I hadn’t already put down a deposit I’d be getting the Honda or Chrysler minivan instead.

Drip pricing is so god damn infuriating. In every context.

Obviously it should only be talking to Toyota once a month. But you see some crazy shit come out when the product team is asleep at the wheel and leaves details like that to a programmer.

Like Facebook, it’s all free…. forever…. oh there is one cost I forgot to mention that will start to appear after about ten years…… the complete dissolution of social cohesion and ushering in the global resurrection of fascism!

I hope that someone comes up with a workaround because I’m not paying fucking $8 a month to remote start my car.

Have conservatives dubbed their opponents in the so-called War on Christmas antifalalalala?


I really don’t know where else to put this. I’m sure this is just a one off and not the tiniest tip of a gigantic iceberg of shit said behind closed doors. Racism definitely dead.

It’s not real racism if you’re stoned out of your mind when you say it. Conservative Logic!

And apparently she was stoned when the car was broken into as well - as the kids recounted her yelling the N-word then, and everyone clearly felt comfortable using it multiple times in a humorous context.

racism still alive, they are not even concealing it.


This while article is the most dystopian thing I’ve read in a long time.

The Czech Republic has a pretty shitty education system but I’d quit before getting that desperate for money for office supplies.

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As per tradition, the greatest article of the year is back.

2021 Hater’s Guide to the Williams Sonoma Christmas Catalog


This is the best UP tradition.

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The NY Post making articles out of AITA posts. How pathetic can a newspaper get?

Also 99% of AITA posts are fake


Intrigued to know how Pam intends to teach him to clean himself better - shudder.

I know this ain’t “politically correct” or whatever, but orange cats are always rowdy boys 100% of the time.