Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

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Lexington was an amazing little city. I’ll be doing weekend trips there again. I couldn’t believe how liberal it was.

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Yeah Lexington is super fun.

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Dom Deluise and Paul Prudhomme are the same person change my mind


It’s a college town, so I can’t imagine it could have been that surprising.

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They should make Rand do a Bart chalkboard of “I will stop being a fucking hypocrite” before they allow the fed to send Kentucky disaster relief.

Make him stand outside on a corner with a sandwich board.


On Sean Carroll’s podcast this week they were discussing the effect of time pressure on us vs. them decisions. People tend to act with more empathy towards outsiders when they have to act quickly. If it holds for Rand, he will be blocking KY aid after he gets a chance to think about it. lol, not really. Solid hypocrite through and through.

No idea if this is the appropriate thread, but I just moments ago learned that my wife of 10 years cannot close her left eye with her right eye open. She cannot wink on that side. This is blowing my mind. Maybe this goes in the unleash your non-political anger thread, because I’m rustled.

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Seems fine here. Also not all that uncommon. Took me a while of practice to be able to do both. And to wink on my right side, I use most of my face, but on the left, it’s much easier to use not much more than my eyelid.

I can only wink on one side.

why are you rustled? is there any chance she is not the woman you married?

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I too can only wink on one side.

Exact same for me.

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Left faced bros unite

I can only sneer on one side. But I can wink on both.

It’s so weird.
I can’t curl my tongue, wolf-whistle, or blow chewing gum bubbles.
But I can wink with either eye.

Y’all some half face weirdos. Learn some face control, sheesh.

“I don’t know, I never really tried before.”

Try out all them body parts imo.


She’s an early-series replicant.

Man, I could not understand why the last half dozen posts were so calm about someone clearly describing his wife having a stroke and weren’t telling him to get her to the hospital asap. Glad I reread the post.


Things are definitely 100% going great in the USA.