Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I am almost sure that this was brought up in one of the Perlstein books.

I’ve followed politics for most of life and I’d never heard of this story before.

I suppose y’all are going to tell me you never heard of Selene Walters either.

I knew that Ben Franklin used to hang out with a dude who ran a Satanic sex orgy club, but not this.

I had not but I’ve been relatively indifferent to politics most of my life.

I was going to make a Nancy Reagan astrology joke about the stars lining up but it seemed crude. And wrong.


AKA when Nancy Davis met Milton Berle.

I realize you’re being semi-facetious to make a point,

But medication interactions with grapefruit juice are actually a really big deal, and lots of common meds are affected, especially meds for olds.

Here is a really great article on the weird history of the grapefruit, and the mechanism that can take the body’s defenses offline and casually give someone 10x the effective dose of Mee Maw’s blood pressure meds:


one of the most annoying gambits by professors in med school was to create a question where someone starting drinking grapefruit juice with a list of meds and ask you what would happen.

I always went with their INR would go up.

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I just assumed he picked grapefruit juice because he knew that.


must watch imo

can’t believe Andrew did that

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Imagine being stingy with other people’s money. OFC we should be generous with it!

I was immediately hooked by this documentary. It’s free to watch on youtube.

It’s hard to believe it’s been over 5 years. Machine intelligence wouldn’t be so frightening if it weren’t for human stupidity. That they can multiply each other is the really scary thing we’ve learned.


This was today? Is that asshole aware of the disaster that just occurred in his state last night/this morning?

I know I keep saying this

But yeah I hate my state outside of Lexington and Louisville. If you could magically drop Lexington and Louisville inside of California, Kentucky would be the worst state, and not sure if it would be close.


If you could magically drop Louisville in Alaska and Lexington in North Carolina, you could switch those two states to tossups.