Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Why do pharmacy visits take so long? You’re literally just putting pills in a bottle and somehow it takes 45 minutes

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Because Pharmacies are understaffed.

Because awval?

Even if we ignore the technical aspects of the job (the importance of which I’m sure could be debated to some extent), there is still some data entry and dealing with insurance. I could see the insurance part being a huge time suck in some cases.

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r/talesfromthepharmacy is one of my favorite subreddits. Working in a pharmacy, especially a big chain, sounds extremely shitty.

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It’s all relative. Compared to working the cash register at the front of the store or working at an Arby’s, it’s probably a great gig.

However, I do agree that for the educational requirement, it seems like not a great job.

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10 years or so ago I worked as a pharmacy tech for a couple years and working in a pharmacy is the worst. I would rather work a cash register at Arby’s.


Pharmacy tech is different. Part of what makes pharmacist more palatable is that you get paid a whole lot more than those other guys. People will generally take a whole lot of shit for $$$.

Median salary $134,000.

Ain’t no one turning that down to work at Arby’s.

@ChrisV what’s up with so many Australians wanting to learn French?


Also remarkable is Swedish being the #1 choice for people in Sweeden.

I’ve watched approximately 9000 nature documentaries. How in the hell am I just now seeing this for the first time?



I use cheap wired headphones to avoid 1) losing expensive BT earbuds 2) recharging those little bastards 3) annoying disconnections.

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This is interesting. There isn’t an obvious correlation to partisan affiliation I can see.

Wasn’t there a thread the other day about the Midwestern expressions “yeah, no” and “no, yeah?” Just saw this the other day, a beer that celebrates the conflict-avoidant culture of my people.


Working with people fresh over from India, “yeah” means yeah, but “yeah yeah” means “I hear you, and I will do my best, but probably not”. “Yeah yeah” is often accompanied by the head shake that you can’t tell if it’s yes or no.

But once you learn the rules it’s just like working with anyone else.

On the opposite end of the spectrum we had to work with this group from Israel who were just blunt as hell, and somehow bullied two of my typically Californian confrontation-averse bosses into agreeing to do something they had no intention of actually doing, just to get him off their backs for a few months.

I had to explain to the Israeli guy that what he actually got was a “Hollywood No”, which I think fascinated him, because he kept bringing it up for months.

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I love the Indian head wobble. The subtleties can mean so many different things!

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