Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I just need to rant.

Everything in the windows and android world is absolute unusable crap. Top to bottom. No exceptions. Nothing ever works. Office might be the worst software ever created.

In a world where apple exists the fact that windows and android make a single sale shows capitalism is bullshit.


Nonsense. Many enterprise level business-critical databases run on Windows with no availability issues. Try running them on MacOS, the (brilliant) platform of choice for creatives.

This view is about 20 years out of date.

I use Windows but I don’t use Office.



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Is it really an upgrade on the guillotine to have the mess be contained inside a pod?

I mean maybe I’m just old fashioned, but it just doesn’t have the same touch as it used to.

Not sure many people choose guillotine for suicide tbh.

They say the head is alive and aware of what’s going on for a while. Pass.

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When we butchered chickens on my grandparents’ farm growing up my grandpa would just grab them and chop off their head and the body would run around the yard for several minutes sometimes.

Kinda surprised they have the line in the same room


Would you say it ran around like a chicken with its head cut off?



Headed to San Diego for a couple weeks in early Jan. It would be a privilege to buy a beer for any other UPers in the area. I believe we have a couple, right? Maybe @mysteryconman is alive somewhere and wants to grab an IPA.

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Same math as above

P(Wg) = .655
P(Lg) = 1 - .655 = .345
P(W,W,x) = .655 * .655 ~= .429
P(W,L,W) = .655 * .345 * .655 ~= .148
P(L,W,W) = .345 * .655 * .655 ~= .148

P(Wm) = P(W,W,x) + P(W,L,W) + P(L,W,W) ~= .725
P(Lm) = 1 - .725 = .275

P(0 wins) = lose AND lose AND lose = P(Lm) * P(Lm) * P(Lm) = .275^3 = .021
P(1 win) = (win AND lose AND lose) OR (lose AND win AND lose) OR (lose AND lose AND win) = (.725 * .275 * .275) + (.275 * .725 * .275) + (.275 * .275 * .725) = .164
P(2 wins) = (.725 * .725 * .275) + (.725 * .275 * .725) + (.275 * .725 * .725) = .434
P(3 wins) = .725 * .725 * .725 = .381

Totals should add up to 1: .021 + .164 + .434 + .381 = 1.00

The rule of thumb is if multiple events must happen (e.g., lose game 1 AND lose game 2), then you multiply the probabilities of the separate events (if and only if they are independent!) If an outcome can happen in different ways (e.g., win game 1 OR win game 2), then you add the probabilities of the different ways to reach the same outcome. To check whether you have covered all of the possibilities, the total probabilities always have to add up to 1.

Mandela Effect in action!

RIP Mike Nesmith. He was, I think, the only one of The Monkees who was a professional musician before their formation. He was ambivalent towards the band and its success. Maybe he’d prefer to be remembered for something like Different Drum, which he wrote before The Monkees (Linda Ronstadt had a big early hit with it), but that won’t be the case.

This doesn’t have any special association with Nesmith afaik but it is about leaving. The songwriters snuck an allusion to Vietnam into the title and lyrics.


Meanwhile, I will remember Mike Nesmith as the son of the woman who invented Liquid Paper (white-out), from whom he inherited $50 million.


She also gave him the guitar he learned to play on. He was already pretty old to be taking up music as a profession but I guess he wasn’t in any danger of starving. I could say the same, so maybe I will pick up this guitar in front of me someday.