Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I see a bright future for this woman and her personal trainer.


New Seminole Tribe gambling compact with Florida tossed by a federal judge. Haven’t read the decision, but it sounds like the opinion hinges on whether the compact allowed gambling in both Florida and on Reservation land. The compact authorized online sports betting i Florida and Florida/the Seminoles contended that because the servers were located on reservation land, the compact only authorized gambling on reservation land. The judge didn’t buy it and tossed the new compact.

Bay Area law enforcement authorities and retail officials expressed shock and concern Monday after a string of brash public robberies over the weekend saw groups of people — as many as 80 in one case — swarm stores, grab merchandise and flee while the holiday shopping season is in full swing.

In Oakland, roving caravans of armed robbers hit marijuana dispensaries and other retail shops and pharmacies across the city, often forcing their way in by gunfire, according to police Chief LeRonne Armstrong.

Thieves also struck the Nordstrom store in Walnut Creek, a jewelry store at a Hayward mall, retailers in San Francisco’s Union Square, and a high end clothing store and a sunglasses shop in San Jose. Authorities were looking for any possible links between the cases.

A San Jose police spokesman said the targeting Sunday of a Lululemon shop at Santana Row was “organized robbery.”

The Nordstrom heist alone netted close to $200k worth of merchandise.

Looks like a case for Johnny Utah.


Today In History:

100 years ago today, President Warren G. Harding signed the the Sheppard–Towner Act.

It provided federal funding for maternity and infant care, and is considered the first social security legislation at the federal level.

The Sheppard–Towner Act led to the creation of 3,000 child and maternal health care centers, many of these in rural areas, during the eight years it was in effect.

Sounds good to me. You’ll be shocked and surprised to hear that it was filibustered, it was called “unconstitutional” and taken to the Supreme Court, it was called a violation of states rights, and it was derided as “socialism” and “communism” by its critics.

Utah Senator William H. King [argued] that the bill was championed by "neurotic women,…social workers who obtained pathological satisfaction in interfering with the affairs of other people,…and Bolsheviks who did not care for the family and its perpetuity.”

Some things never change. The opposition eventually won and the program was ended in 1929.

Interesting twist—the House passed the bill 279-39 but the only female rep voted against it.



So this passed all but unanimously and the media platformed the handful of loons who were against it :crazy_face:


Some things never change.

Yep, Robertson only served one term. I was going to suggest she might be the Lauren Boebert of the 67th Congress but that seemed unduly harsh.

Then I read she also voted against the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill so to hell with Alice Robertson.

People are using this to attack San Fran policy of no or low bail and not keeping non Violent offenders locked up pre trial

That along with the piece of shit in Wisconsin, the media is hammering the left on this. Sadly I think this policy won’t catch on and lowering incarceration is never going to happen

The video shows the mob of mostly Caucasian young people leaving the department store and loading their loot into the back of waiting vehicles parked on the sidewalk. There were plenty of late model European luxury sedans (Benzes & Beemers) involved which points to bored suburban kids who wouldn’t ever have an issue with making bail.

Edit: The real question in all this - Is it spelled Beamer or Beemer?

I’m having a super weird pathology with my homebrew desktop PC the last couple days. It’s weirdly slow when I wake it up, or after a reboot. I open firefox, and any website I go to, it times out, times out, times out, times out…, but then eventually I’ll get through to e.g. UP, and then browsing on UP works well, but everything else still times out repeatedly, until I break through to the next site. This isn’t limited to Firefox, other browsers are like this, and the online game Path of Exile, too. It takes forever to load, but then once it breaks through, it’s pretty snappy. Other programs that don’t connect to the internet are few (every damn thing checks for updates), but Libre Office and the calculator and notepad all seem, maybe unaffected? They might be a little slower than normal, but normal is so fast it’s hard to tell. This behavior occurs both on wifi and wired ethernet. Virus scan turns up nothing, and I haven’t installed any new software or hardware lately. Other computers on the same wifi network are unaffected. Any thoughts on what to try?

On the bottom of the site page lol:


Try flushing the dns. Open a command prompt:

ipconfig /flushdns

and see if that helps.

Otherwise, you can put in google’s servers for you DNS in the network connection options.

If none of that makes sense let me know and I’ll bring the language down a bit.

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Also, from a command prompt, do both of these commands and reply back with the results:

ping -t
(let it go for a page, then hit ctrl-C to stop it)


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Yeah but they just write it off.


Why does NYC keep electing morons

both english and foreign language misinformation has been doing this line for almost a year, and it’s now percolating into more media. it’s basically no-go zones 2.0. the CA jail threshold was lowered at some point, although apparently not as low as TX threshold, and this is a convenient post-hoc-egro-propter-hoc.

This, maybe helped a little? But it’s not all the way better.

ping to unstuck was fine, 77 ms average.


hiding my IP stuff

Not sure why there are those way upstream timeouts

I get the same timeout at the same point, so that’s likely not the issue.

Are you still having issues?

Reboot in safe mode with networking and see if the issue persists. If it doesn’t, likely a driver update or windows update broke something.

If the problem persists in safe mode it may be a hardware issue. I’m assuming your network card is built into your motherboard. If so, update the firmware. If it isn’t try replacing the card, or if you have a USB wifi dongle you can try that and see if you can isolate the issue.

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Because most New Yorkers are selfish assholes who are liberal just because it makes them feel as though they’re better than the conservative hicks they’ve been told are stupid despite secretly agreeing with them about a lot of things.

Experience: Am from there