Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Speaking of 'Merica…


Every time I think “wow, America is stupid”, something comes up that makes it clear we’re somewhere beyond stupid:

What Wein found was presumably reassuring. The website promised her confidentiality. It boasted of industry awards. It showed off testimonials of satisfied customers, including one from Laura S., who had “caught my husband cheating with the babysitter.” The website bragged about complying with HIPPA, which it said was “the Hitman Information Privacy & Protection Act of 1964,” a nod to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, the law passed in 1996 to protect patients’ medical information.

Wein, 52, is not the only one who has gotten stuck in Innes’s digital trap. About 650 to 700 people have contacted him since he first registered the website in 2005, including about 400 who, like Wein, filled out his “service request form,” which requires users to give their name, email address and phone number, along with the same information of their “targets,” Innes said.


The trouble for Wein was that is a fake website. It’s not run by “Guido Fanelli,” as it claims, but by Bob Innes, a 54-year-old Northern California man who forwards any serious inquiries to law enforcement.



LOL who exactly is the audience for this?

Any bored retiree who is in even remotely decent financial shape would be able to handle like 1 hour of a busy, difficult shift before they say “uhh, yeah, I don’t really like this very much.”

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Ive always preferred my joule to any anova Ive tried

They are targeting retirees that are in desperately bad financial shape. There are plenty of them.

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Old people who can’t make ends meet. It’s just spin that sounds better than: we hire old people because at the wages we’re paying we can’t get enough young people.

I don’t know I remember reading an article about lol boomers in the community working for free to help local businesses because lazy millennials are destroying this country

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“So sad that Esther, who died Tuesday at age 84, was just about to be promoted to team lead after 13 years as a cashier.”


And they only get “meal discounts”. Like free whoppers might make it attractive. And I like the disclaimer that “Eligibility requirements must be met”.

They’re targeting old people that can’t make ends meet. Wage slaves that might starve to death without half price Whoppers make great employees.

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I participate in sports pool with my friend and his work buddies who live in New Jersey, and the guy who organizes it is named “Alphonso Fanelli” like cmon man you expect me to believe this is a real person and not your mob bookies alias, sure.

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I’ve seen all 3 John Wick movies. He kills about 300 professional assassins on-screen. I imagine that’s gotta create a tight market if you want to hire a hit-man.


But in the John Wick universe, there are still dozens of hitmen on every city block even by the time the third movie happens. Every busker and hobo in NYC is actually part of an assassin guild, it’s a huge oversupply.

True. You would think high profile targets would be getting bumped off right and left if all these elite killers were regularly employed. I mean unless they’re all just killing each other all the time.

i can see how that may very well be the case. the old anova is kinda giant, and the new one feels much shorter, which means you need the water level to be higher because of how it sits in the vessel. a submersible like joule is probably going to be better.

yeah they changed the motor somehow and it’s just became noisier. lright now i’m running my old anova making duck confit and it’s night and day.

also the polycarbonate they used is kinda thin and bows out ever so slightly when full of water. also the opening in the lid is just a hair to small for the old anova. terrible design. at least give the people an option to use the older models

That’s a shame. Glad I got in on the ground floor, then. Old model still going strong.

humans were a mistake

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