Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I assume he is not clearing anywhere near that number. Nevertheless, knowing this idiot is gonna be set for life by 20 has sent my lawnmower to another galaxy.


$250m is what they asked for (LOL). the actual settlement was probably 6 figs and an internship at some other bezod co

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Getting a settlement you don’t deserve is the new American Dream.


Lawnmower returning to the Milky Way. This is good.

I just ordered a 35oz ribeye because I hate myself but I hate the world more.


It begins!


Ughhh… Imagine stopping your car in the middle of the freeway to rob an armored car in broad daylight?

I do sorta feel bad for these people though who were going about their day driving around not committing felonies just trying to get to work or run errands when this happens in front of them.

The two people who were arrested had stopped in the lane and lost their keys


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Two different people!

They’re lucky someone didn’t find their keys and think that abandoned car must be free

Remember to keep it 55th street.

got a new anova. it … sucks. well, this unit foes, really annoying high pitched noise from the recirculator. apparently that’s a relatively common issue for some.

Even when it’s in plenty of water? Damn, that’s annoying and disappointing.

Played poker on a digital table for the first time (or poker in a while unfortunately), and I kind of liked it. Dealers do bring something to the table but the shuffling and dealing eat up the most time. Felt a bit odd clicking on chips and the confirming an action but not the worst.


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Here in Canada the Black Friday deals are (#$*ing amazing.

Outta my way, fools, I gotta get in line…

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Couldn’t help but laugh in one of the promo videos. The person is setting up her personal oasis and has these on the wall. There is a shot with here eyes closed meditating while the lights are one. :man_facepalming:

meanwhile in belarus, migrants are sleeping in a squid game-like warehouse

Conditions seem better there than the US Mexico border

it’s horrifying. the warehouse is an actual upgrade over a camp in the woods, after being watercannoned from the polish side.

also this group of migrants currently have no paths other than be repatriated back to iraq/afghanistan, which isn’t any better than the woods in the middle of belarusian winter.

Scene from my hotel in Texas this morning: I wake up to “Freeze Freeze! Get on the Ground!! wtf. I look out my 4th floor window and there’s a (presumably) Latino kid, looks 17/18 years old being cuffed and then sitting on his knees on the sidewalk. There’s 2 squad cars and 3 officers. The cuffed guy is behind the open trunk of a very new looking Mercedes, which had a bunch of clothes and crap in the trunk.

They’re grilling him, I couldn’t hear what he was saying, he’s very passive, soon they stop and are standing around, it seems like they’re waiting for something, the kid is just sitting there with his head down. Then a couple come jogging out from the hotel, obv the owners of the car, the woman is clearly upset, they uncuff the guy and say he’s free to go. The kid goes to sit in the front seat of the car, the woman is having some harsh words with the officers, it seems like she wants them to apologize to the kid, which one of them does, and then they head off back to their squad cars. The end.
