Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Has a vague hostage video-like quality.

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Good fucking lord this is worse than I thought



I was thinking of testing something out this weekend. I’m in a super pro Trump area, thinking of going to an area where lots of Trumpers go with a sign like Iraq veteran that was canceled by the woke mob somehow and need money for a lawyer.

It’s like a go fund me but since it’s a lie I can’t get it taken away for fraud.


We’re taking it super serious though, which is why we limit how many suboxone prescriptions for no reason.

Also this has been, for a long time, put in the context of prescription drug abuse which is bullshit imo. The issue is that we’re allowing a tainted supply of illicit opiates in the country, and don’t give a fuck about the people who die because of it

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Wait until carfentanil becomes more popular than fentanyl.

Yes, presumably they allow for legitimate prescriptions under normal conditions in comparison countries and we should do the same.

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FYI for those that don’t know, in order to give out suboxone prescriptions, you need a special X waiver to do it. You used to have to do a big pain in the ass 8 hour class to do it, but this was recently removed. I got my x-waiver then.

It still has strict limits on how many active prescriptions you can have, which is fucking stupid as suboxone is incredibly safe because of the way it works (basically it’s a partial opiate instead of a full thing like oxy/fentanyl/etc, so it doesn’t do the respiratory depression effectively. It also displaces oxy/fentanyl off those receptors to decrease their respiratory depression issues). The DEA has gone after pharmacies giving out lots of suboxone treatments which, again, is insanely counterproductive.

We should be giving suboxone out like candy right now. The upside is so much better than the downside.

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MIA is a tennis star AND rap artist? Impressive!

The future sucks.

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Alright, I’m sure plenty of people here have seen the perennial Metabook memes about songs having the same meter. The ones I see most frequently are the poems of Emily Dickinson and the Gilligan’s Island theme, and War Pigs and Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly. I’ve had one that’s bothering me all day, so I’m going to share it with you so it’ll bother you. Offspring’s Self Esteem and Summer Nights from Grease have the same meter, at least for most of the song. Gotta work in a “Tell me more” section to Self Esteem to make it work in full, but it’s a solvable problem.

I wrote her off for the tenth time today
He practiced all the things he would say
She came over, I lost my nerve
He took me back and made me dessert…

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I may be beat deaf. I never thought it would turn out to be a superpower.

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41 months damn

Pretty sweet gig when the authorities are secretly sympathetic to the coup. Most failed coups get you executed.

is this the highest sentence yet? i expected a lot shorter because lollaw obv

I don’t recall anything higher, but I haven’t been paying much attention.

There was one other that was also sentenced to 41 months. Think he punched a cop or something.

I feel dumb for just now realizing I gave Clear a bunch of biometric data so I could get on a plane 45 minutes faster but I guess that’s also what makes this stuff so nefarious.

Well it’s always nice to arrive 45 minutes ahead of schedule.

I am an early career academic, and I like making memes. At a recent online conference I posted a hilarious (if you ask me) meme in the conference slack channel, which was (fortunately) well received. This morning I saw that of all people, my old grumpy professor boss used the meme to respond to someone who questioned him during a serious scientific discussion in a slack channel used by a 200-person international collaboration.

I mean, I think my academic career has peaked right here, I don’t have the words to describe how insanely funny this is to me. And I know my boss is not going to say a word about this ever.


I never had seen this story but man it doesn’t sit well