Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Rittenhouse available now.

Use task manager to see if any resource is overloaded.

Do other devices (eg. laptop, tablet) connect properly?


So we can exclude a misconfigured router. Taking forever to connect but then working fine sounds like an issue with your DNS server settings, maybe?

Yeah, that was fatboy’s hypothesis. I’m not going to have much more time to troubleshoot today, unfortunately.

I recommended he change his DNS settings to Google’s at and flush his DNS cache.

i’m gonna wait for y’all get charged $125/hr

I could be easily convinced to take the ride to Portland to fix his computer if it meant an @MrWookie cooked meal.


Something for everyone on Unstuck.

The ruling against cvs, Walgreens and Walmart is fucking absurd. The opiate crisis isn’t driven by legal opiate prescriptions. Its driven by the fact that we’re ok with fentanyl in the opiate supply because our society doesn’t give a fuck about you if you use drugs ever. Ain’t no politician going to get held liable for the drug war and rampant fentanyl in our opiate supply

Yep - on the left you have cringey stupid innocuous shit like this, and on the right you have destroying democracy in favor of fascism. Both sides mannn.

(I’m not blasting you for posting it - just the both sides are equally bad right now crap)

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I thought most fentanyl was smuggled into the country.

It is. Through Mexico.

A legal safe supply of diacetylmorphine would massively reduce those deaths. No drug user wants random amounts of fentanyl in their drugs.

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If they escalate to duels with pistols at six paces or whatever I think I have to look the other way.


I really don’t buy this, although this is controversial.

Alien sex?

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Yeah, there are plenty of doctors that tell this story over and over again.

My position is that I don’t think that this is true and that it’s way overstated. It sure as hell isn’t supported by the past 10-15 years of data.