Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Good to hear. I was thinking about getting some of the others for my girls for Christmas this year.

The Zoe & Sassafras books are really good science-y kids books too, for an older age group than the Ada Twists.

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Made me think of the greatest (also worst) misfit ambulance crew-themed movie ever:


Mother, Jugs & Speed - 1976. I remembered Cosby and Raquel Welch, but I had completely forgotten that’s Harvey Keitel as Speed.

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Have you tried to cancel your audible subscription? You can do it online and the system will almost always offer you a discount to not cancel.

You don’t need to actually cancel, just click cancel and audible will offer you 3 months half price or something along those lines.

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The MOST Fox News clip of all time.

These things were funnier when there was less obvious risk that the stupid people would be rounding up other people for genocide. But still worth a chuckle.

Pretty sure that is a bit that just isn’t working.

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Yeah they were trying to do a Who’s On First? routine.

The real joke, of course, is that their pantomime of confusion is indistinguishable from their genuine stupidity.

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Really. I read it as totally legit. :man_shrugging:

OTOH this hard-hitting story in the NYTimes today is apparently on the level:

In case you don’t have time to read this hilariously long explanation it is probably a good idea to take the sticker off


I usually save all the stickers until I have a full meal’s worth, but the stupid libs at the NYTimes gotta ruin that too.


You should check out Kenji’s recipe for sous-vide stickers.


FYI I’ve got a great sous-vide tip that I use at home - remove the meat from the bag before you eat it. So tender.


It seems like a waste of time since I’m just going to peel the skin off my peaches anyway.

I usually have one of the scullery maids peel off the stickers while they are peeling my grapes and cleaning my second oven that I only use on Thanksgiving.

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Matt Yglesias is hammering out a Substack right now about how actually the sticker adds dietary fiber to the fruit.


That’s nothing, this was last week’s:



One more thing for @mosdef 's scullery maid to do.

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