Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

You’ve got my attention. If they’re sliced I’m assuming they are fully cooked then?

I doubt adding 2 days will make or break the shelf life but I’ve never ordered cooked meat through the mail.

Fully cooked. And definitely don’t warm it up or you will dry it out. Just open it and let it come to room temperature for a bit.

I’ve ordered several a year for the last decade and never had any issues with shelf life.

Put your order in now. No telling what will happen with the shipping delays. I have mine coming the week before Thanksgiving.

In ski towns the housing/wage issues are becoming a huge issue and some are resorting to foreign visas for workers. They are going to raise pay to lol $15/hr in January yet fast food restaurants are paying more in Summit County and gas station jobs in Denver are reportedly hiring for $20+.

Get ready for the GOP immigration pivot.


Yeah I’m looking ahead to Christmas. Do you just refrigerate for that week ahead?

It will likely come on Thursday the week before Thanksgiving for me and I’ll just refrigerate it. Smoked cured meats will last a while in the fridge. I wouldn’t worry about it.

From their FAQ:

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They got it all planned out, but the pursuit of truth is apparently going to take a few years to get off the ground. Meanwhile, send money!

We are in the process of securing land in the Austin area for a campus.

UATX is seeking accreditation as a private postsecondary educational institution from the Texas Higher Education Board

In Fall 2024, we will launch our four-year undergraduate program.

We do not confer degrees at the moment.

We are not currently accepting student applications for our programs

But we are in the process of securing $250 million which will enable us to grow into a comprehensive university.

We’re grateful for any gift of any size.

they should merge with trmp university


Man o man, I have been telling everyone for over 20 years now that Austin is actually just about the worst place in the US and nobody believes me. Maybe this will start to turn the tide.

If you’ve got an immersion circulator, just fire that puppy up at ~140 F or so and plop the ham, still in its packaging, right in that bath. No fuss, no mess, no risk of drying it out, comes out hot.

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That’s probably the ideal way to heat it. I may have to get a sous vide soon. I’ve been putting it off.

ETA: @MrWookie , any recommendations on one that isn’t going to make me angry at the price?

Pretty sure you’ll see some Black Friday deals. If you want it for Thanksgiving, there are earlier deals.

Here’s one at Sam’s Club, if you’re a member.

fuck the nano. get the regular anova with the water vessel for $150 at costco

It’s on sale for $100 right now, at least at my local Costco. If I were in the market, that’s probably what I’d get. There aren’t huge differentiators between the brands. I have an early Anova model. My folks have a Joule. I like that the Joule is free standing, but I don’t like that you’re obligated to use your phone to set the temperature instead of just spinning a wheel on the device itself. More watts does mean your water heats up faster, but it’s not a huge effect. Not sure anything else really matters. They’re all accurate enough.

I’ve almost pulled the trigger on the Precision Oven instead of another sous vide a few times but haven’t. My Anova metal case doesn’t lock and I have to set it just right for the propeller or shaft to not hit the case.

Shows as $150 online:

But I’d take a trip to Costco if I could get it for $100. I’ll have to check this week.

just get the sous vide thing on it’s own. you don’t need the container unless you don’t have a pot already.

I’ve actually been thinking about getting a tub like that for the 24-72 hr cooks where evaporation overnight can be an issue. Obviously a big pot is just fine for stuff < 4 hrs.

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I own the tub and it’s great. Seals better and more room.

What are you doing for 24-72 hours?

Short ribs, brisket, pork shoulder. Occasionally leg of lamb but I haven’t done that in a while. Maybe I should, especially with beef prices so high.