Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Yeah there are a ton of videos showing him being a piece of shit. One video shows the lifeless body being carried out right in front of him and him just continuing to sing etc.

Reddits all over it. There is also a video of him crowd surfing and someone tries to take his shoe. So he gets back out and spits on the dude and tells his fans to beat his ass.

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Someone specifically from Live Nation needs to go to prison over this

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This is thought-provoking:


Yeah that was a good and depressing thread - I posted it earlier somewhere.

Pretty cool imo.


When I see two authors like that, I assume that she is doing approximately zero actual writing.

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In hindsight it is astonishing Trump didn’t boat race her.

I read one of them and it wasn’t bad!

I think you need to get your hindsight checked.

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Every day there’s no tox report from that concert the chances the fentanyl homocidal injection actually happened gets closer to zero


Oh you poor kids. I still maintain Seattle Sounders is the most horrifying sports mascot ever created.

When you say it that way I assume it’s not Ari but the other one?

You’ll be shocked to learn that deplorable Trumpstains in the midwest USA#1 are abandoning the most radical home-grown denominations and are opting instead for the Russian Orthodox Church. I met one of these cranks who’s forcing his family to travel over an hour each way to attend services.


You just have to love how after posting a video of getting trampled on Twitter and begging for help, the first 30 replies are from motherfuckers claiming to be from @NBCNews and pretending to give a fuck about you with some fake pleasantry before asking you to grant them rights to the video of you dying for profit. Some have the audacity to ask for an interview over DMs.


I read that whole article and some of those are cool, but there wasn’t a single penis.

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Confession time. I did attend a music festival this last summer. It was to be held at Keeneland which if you don’t know is the local Lexington horse racing track. I went mainly because I wanted to see one of the headliners. I thought it would be held outside, but with the shade of the track. No it was outside of the track with no shade.

Headliner ended up being massively disappointing. Not because of the band, but I refused to get real close because…um yeah duh…and the audience in the back didn’t seem to care for the band. I couldn’t escape nonstop background chatting without getting uncomfortably close.

But not just that. Day was fucking hot. They only had two water stations. Rule fucking one of music festivals is water should be quick and easy. But there were just two water stations and lines were brutally long. So yes…people were standing in line for alcohol for obscene lengths of time, just to buy Liquid Death water.

I got lucky and managed to find a seat in a fan tent. I couldn’t hear any music, but I amused myself by watching people line up in the maker’s mark line in front of me. I kept trying to follow a person to see if they made it to the end. Every person I followed ended up quitting when they realized the line was an hour long for just a small drink.

On a plus side, Billy Strings was a revelation. But that is the only plus side.

I’m probably more sympathetic to this story the cops are pushing about fentanyl ninjas incapacitating the good guys due to something similar happening in my family. My late uncle used to travel to NYC for business and leisure quite often, and on one of those trips, he rubbed elbows with some major influencers he met at the Russian Tea Room back in the late 80s / early 90s. He never divulged their identities other than to say that I would probably be familiar with some of them “from industry” (assumed he meant finance / banking). Anyway, he ended up joining them for a party at some lavish high-rise condo, and the last thing he remembered was standing in a circle talking to people and sipping a Chartreuse on the rocks. The next thing he remembered was waking up in a dingy washroom in Jersey, his body packed with ice in a bathtub with a burner phone in hand and a note that read as follows: Do not move. Call 911 immediately, as there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that’ll be a home run. And so that’ll make it a 4-0 ballgame.


Yeah seems like that was bullshit. Pretty much all the witnesses since have been talking about the crowd crushing and trampling people.