Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Apparently a bunch of people overdosed at a concert at once accidentally. Caused a stampede.

Maybe we should make opiates safe to use?

But that would involve ending the war on drugs… and that would cost a lot of law enforcement jobs. The party of personal freedom and the party of what’s popular can’t allow that!

What is the connection to opiates? The two stories I read describe this as a crowd control problem with people “surging” to the front of the stage.

In classic Clintonian fashion, something designed to make Huma seem extremely sympathetic has precisely the opposite effect. I no longer feel bad for her whatsoever.

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“Insulting believers’ feelings” is (I hope) currently only found in countries that have official state churches.

But someday soon I suppose it may be a crime to question the Big Lie or insult supporters of El Presidente Trump.

Speaking of dystopian charges, last night’s newshour had a story on the upcoming election in Nicaragua and mentioned an opposition candidate who was arrested and charged with “money laundering and ideological falseness.” Now that’s chilling.

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version you don’t have to register for:

This is a great read on the current state of Nicaragua and how it got there.

The horrors of the last three years, however, have made clear that Nicaragua’s popular uprising is genuinely rooted in shared outrage at the emergence of a repressive dynastic dictatorship. “Nothing remains of the revolution, just a rhetorical pretext to justify repression and the consolidation of the Ortega family dictatorship,” lamented Sergio Ramírez, the country’s leading novelist, who was Ortega’s vice-president in the 1980s and now lives abroad to avoid arrest. The hard-boiled Nicaraguan detective who is the central figure in his latest novel, Ramírez said, embodies “the disillusionment of an entire generation that has seen the revolution not only age, but decompose into a cadaver that smells in the sun.”


I have some connections to the emergency response here, and the “fell out” was supposedly opiate related

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Sounds exactly like the US.


For me, that one mostly didn’t move the needle one way or another. I didn’t come away with more sympathy or less. Sympathy level unchanged.

TMZ saying some guy was injecting people? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I was told accidental carfentanil, which is a super strong version of fentanyl

The person running around injecting people sounds false. From what I understand, the stampede was spread out all through the front of the crowd and there was no possibility of even moving around on purpose because it was so crowded.

The videos before the festival of people rushing fences in broad daylight is very consistent with people crushing up towards the stage.

Then the organizers did an astonishingly bad job of recognizing the problem. Apparently they stopped the show multiple times to help people then restarted it again.

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they also arrest and persecute jehovah’s witnesses, and incidentally invite the taliban to the kremlin. russian orthodox leaders are just prop for the putin regime right now.

I don’t know dude, the videos in that TMZ link shows something fucked up was happening before the stampede. There is one video where the security is passing around a lifeless body trying to get it out of the crowd well before the stampede. That said I know its a common urban legit that people get injected with stuff at raves/concerts etc. Like HIV

Edit: Actually sounds legit. That’s terrifying.

Chief Finner said a security guard working the event felt a prick in his neck by an unknown assailant while he was trying to restrain a citizen – and he quickly fell unconscious. Finner says the guard was revived by use of NARCAN … and that medical personnel did, indeed, see something on his neck that indicated he’d been stabbed with a syringe.

that doesn’t sound legit to me. absorption isn’t that quick IM for just about anything. Could be legit obviously.

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This guerilla marketing campaign for the relaunch of Dexter is going too far in my opinion.


I mean quickly doesn’t mean instant. Could be 5-10 minutes still.

The video of the dudes lifeless body being passed out of the crowd is definitely shocking.

I haven’t seen the video, and I serious question the ability of anyone to definitively seen a needle mark like that. People pass out all the time for lots of different reasons. I’d be really careful about this kind of evidence.

Paints a bit of a different picture, much less sympathetic to Scott. According to this story, people were begging him to stop the show but he just kept on going, finishing his entire planned set despite being made aware of the unfolding tragedy in real time.

Also he’s apparently been charged criminally twice in the past and pleaded guilty as a result of security breaches by his fans at other shows of his, with his own encouragement.


I have a burning hatred for Ticketmaster/Live Nation, and this just makes it burn brighter.

According to Reddit, other Live Nation festivals (not sure about this one) sell only Liquid Death brand water. I always assumed this was just high end water for stupid people, but it makes much more sense now—it’s packaged in a way that it can be sold for $7 or whatever at a music festival.

The idea that festival admission does not include something you need to survive the festival and must be purchased separately at high cost (and is branded Liquid Death, wtf) is peak American capitalism. I hope the ghouls at Live Nation trying to squeeze every penny from these music festivals are sleeping well now.


Live Nation is owned by…Rahm Emanuel’s brother.