Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

All of the locals we encountered were really nice as I recall. I was afraid of everyone at that point though. And this happened about a month after we were there:

oh yeah, everyone is super nice to your face if you don’t live there. i wasn’t there in 2002, but when i talked to a friend in moscow about the theater hostages and the school hostages, it got dark very fast.

in hindsight, i was probably much too depressed and chickenshit to travel anywhere after 9/11 as well.

Big Rig slow speed chase in LA! Some idiot in a van is trying to block his path. Cops ran him off.

Apparently this guys plan is to keep driving until he’s sober.

Update: he stayed on the 101 and didn’t take either of the 405 off-ramps.

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What I heard from several people is that it always takes way longer than planned, need to be very carefull cleaning teeth before putting them in which can be a pain when eating/drinking when out but they are all happy with the results.

Public Service Announcement: Get your daughters (and sons!) vaccinated against HPV asap (starting at age 11).


Someone hit my car last night. They left a note which is cool. I really don’t give a shit though lol. As an insurance idiot if they report it do my premiums go up?

This is a golden free money opportunity for you! And no your premiums will not go up.

Body repairs are expensive. Get an estimate, submit it through the insurance companies, ask for a check for the amount of the estimate, then just leave the damage as is and never repair it.

We got like $1500 in a similar spot.


Sweet. Would much rather have the cash. Thanks!

I did the same thing 15 years ago when someone hit my minivan and cracked the bumper.

I kept the 1K+ check and just drove around with a cracked bumper.

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Sons too

Yup same thing happened with the car I drove as a teen, got rear ended while turning, it bent the chassis a little, cost to fix it was more than the car so it was technically totaled. My parents got a nice 3k check for the value of the car and I just kept driving it like usual.

Here’s the owner of the Phoenix Suns:

No need to watch the video as the guy doesn’t say what the joke was but dang

who the fuck buys 12 gallons of milk a week, the problem aint the price lady it’s you (1.99 was also a long time ago but whatever)

even with 10 kids man, have you heard of water


I find it inconceivable that a real estate developer from Arizona would be a racist dickhead. Does not compute.

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bold prediction: the conservative vlogosphere is going to focus on this as reverse racism, even though this a white person committing both racism and “reverse racism” at the same time.

Wouldn’t you need a refrigerator for just the milk?

you can see her kids in the video. that’s a lot of calories

Still don’t get how the “greatest” city in the US can consistently elect absolute madmen.

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aw shit. waaf.