Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Why refrigerate milk when God has bestowed upon us these beauties?

The big takeaway from the milk people is that they are persuadable voters and we should spend time and energy reaching out to them


Prosecutors said the juror asked a courtroom deputy, “Why did the Kenosha police shoot Jacob Blake seven times? Because they ran out of bullets,” saying the joke shows poor taste, and showed racial bias, CBS Chicago reports

I can’t tell if the joke is that he thinks Blake deserved more bullets or if he thinks cops are racists who think Blake deserved more bullets.



Rare good-news end to a horror crime story here in Straya. A 4 year old girl, Cleo Smith, was abducted from the family tent at a campground near the town of Carnarvon on the Western Australian coast (yes, yes, insert dingo jokes here). This every-parent’s-nightmare scenario consumed national headlines for the next two weeks, while police in WA launched a massive investigation. 17 days after the abduction, police broke into a home in Carnarvon and found Cleo alive and well. Bonus cute photo of her eating an iceblock in hospital later:

Not only that, the suspect (now in police custody) appears to have been mentally unstable and motivated simply by wanting a child of his own:

Family and neighbours of the man charged with abducting four-year-old Cleo Smith say his image appears on a social media account that posts about loving children’s dolls and claiming to have a partner and children, despite living alone.

On January 27, a post said he had warned his children, of which he claimed to have five, about online safety.

The profile also shares videos of a child in a bathing suit, captioned “my princess”, and another of a boy sitting on a couch, captioned “my son in Western Australia, miss you big boy”.

That part of the story is sad, but the upside is that it seems unlikely Cleo was abused in any way.

Kind of crazy for the story to end this way, I saw an interview with a criminologist who said that if children are abducted by strangers, they are like 95% to be dead three hours later. It’s wild to have this story consume the headlines for 17 days and then for her to be found completely unharmed, it’s a moment of nationally-shared positivity that is rare these days. I’d guess there will eventually be a movie made here about this. Thought I’d share.


Mme Melkerson hit someone from behind at about 5-10 mph. No visible damage whatsoever. I know that this probably sounds biased, but I’m being truthful here. I don’t think anyone could see anything on that bumper. Also car was pretty old and had lots of dings all over it (i.e. on front and sides) ​

This dude finds some body shop to come up with some ridiculous estimate of “At least 1.5K but they might find more when they remove the bumper to repair it”. He said that he’d just take 1.5K and then we wouldn’t have to go through insurance. I told him that my deductible was 1K. I’d give him 950 to GTFO. If he wants more, then we will go through the insurance and if my rates go up, at least he ain’t getting my money.

He took the $950.

lol. Every owner not named Sarver agrees.

Probably more suitable for the rant thread, but I’ll put it here. My 3rd grade kid came home with a math test that is tilting the fuck out of me.

  1. Explain why 7/12 is more than 1/2
    Her answer: “Because 7/12 > 6/12 and 6/12=1/2”
    Got 0.5/1pts credit for that. Explaination: “you need to use the language we learned in our lessons”

  2. Explain why 4/12 = 1/3
    Her answer: “Because 4x3 = 12”
    Got 0.5/1pts credit for that. Explaination: “you need to use the language we learned in our lessons”

Second one doesn’t seem as egregious as the first, but still it all seems insane. Am I just overreacting? There were no directions on the paper about using specific language. Verbal instructions may have been given, I suppose.

This is her first year in public school which she likes because her friends go there and it has a better playground (this is huge apparently). Mme Melkerson is handling this by sending a polite email inquiry to the teacher because she is slightly less rage tilted and generally less of an asshole than I am.


I no deal this guy every single time. He can get what he can get out of the claims adjuster, fuck my insurance rate.

The chances he strikes out totally somehow are way higher than zero.

That was what I wanted to do, but I was negotiating with my wife more than him. She handles all the insurance related shit and really didn’t want to deal with any of that. If he called, there’s a >50% we would have just paid the $1500.

Yeah my wife is generally horrified by my behavior in spots like this… But she doesn’t squabble with trucking company owners named Vlad from Chicago three times a week.


Someone rear ended me going about 10mph when I was stopped. I was in a minivan which belonged to my parents. It seemed to do no damage and I said looked like nbd, but we did exchange insurance info (something I probably wouldn’t have done now (and haven’t done when people have tapped my bumper or something), but I was a kid and that’s what you’re supposed to do so I did it) . The whole bumper had moved uniformly about an inch. Didn’t notice it at the time, but the back door didn’t work right after that. Like all body repairs it was over $1k and this was a long time ago. He was mad and thought we were lying.

If he came up with a back door not working right, that would have been an entirely different story. Also if that was the case, I’d think most people would want to repair it or at least get full value for obvious damage.

Yeah that’s the one in a million story that will give other families hope.

Yeah that would piss me off too.

Highly recommend not watching the video of Ruggs on the scene post crash. Just heartbreaking.

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I know, right.

GOP beginning to resonate with me. Clearly we, the parents, need to be telling the school what to teach.

Wat. This not something to freak out about. The teacher is right to insist on using a common language for the class. All instruction and conversation among classmates will be in this language. Your kid should learn it. It’s part of showing your answer.

I kind of get that, but the beauty of math is that it is unambiguous.