Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I think Canada is exempt from this. I don’t see the maple leaf like this at all. When Trump was elected I actually got a maple leaf tattoo specifically so that I wouldn’t be mistaken for a trumpkin while I was in Mexico.

Americans pretending to be Canadian when they travel abroad is a play that’s been around for a long time. Seems generally +EV.

Canada basically gets the weird combo of only child/youngest child vibes in that.

man, this guy chose the wrong grift. if he had run for office, not only would he not be in jail, he might have been in congress.

Pretty ridiculous when you see a couple that’s blonde, tan and obviously from California or Florida with Canadian flags on their backpacks.

Ask an Indigenous Canadian what they think of the Canadian flag and you’ll get an entirely different perspective.

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Ive spent a lot of time traveling abroad and I don’t think ever met Americans pretending to be Canadians.

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They were doing a good job faking eh?


Ha, true

But then you’d have to actually know stuff about Canada, which nobody does :stuck_out_tongue:


I would guess that they have to tax the service charge because it’s income for the restaurant instead of a tip for the server.

Anyone ever get Invisalign? Experience?

Herman Munster shoes update:

They have arrived and my wife says “they don’t look that bad”.

They are comfortable.


My mother wore them. Was a fan.

My wife got it. Make absolutely sure the person who is doing it has a bunch of experience with it, and that you aren’t going to be moving out of the area in the next year or two.

Expect it to take 1.5-2x as long as they claim it will. It doesn’t cost more or anything, it can just take a lot more trays to get what you want than advertised.

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I was actually thinking of doing some research into Invisalign and its competitors like byte aligners or whatever the eff other FB ads I get.

Coming up with an idea for a sitcom where the NJ Governors race ends in a tie and the State Supreme court decides that they must share the office. Just finished a draft of the pilot which ends with them divvying up the governors mansion, indicated by putting down a piece of tape that splits each room in half - right down to the bed that they have to share. Anybody here work in TV production?

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I did this on a trip to Russia back in 2002. Was on a bus with a group of other Americans (including some sort of federal judge who was still loling at the politics of the SC decision to award Bush the election vs Gore) when we got off at some stop and there was a band of musicians waiting for tourists to arrive. I happened to be the first off when he asked where we were from and I reflexively said Canada bc post 9-11, who doesn’t like Canada? They proceeded to play the Canadian national anthem and seemed rather confused as to why no one seemed to care or tip. :grimacing:


hehehe nice. I did mean as like as like a long term travel plan though! But it sounds like things were more hostile in the Bush era, which was before my time. The people looking to antagonize Americans usually ask if you’re a Trump supporter nowadays heh.

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meh. russians actually like americans better, because they think american tourists are richer than canadians.

I met a Texan guy in Berlin in 2007 who was planning to travel to the Middle East after Europe. He was intending to sew a Canadian flag on his backpack.