Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


@ChrisV , your cousin made the news!

I’m not sure what wild hogs are like in your part of the world, but in Florida they can be dangerous. They have tusks and can do some serious damage. They are one of the things I’m most concerned about running across when I’m hiking through the swamps around here. Just a word of caution.


Yeah wild hogs way more dangerous than black bears, at least in the US.


Social media affords us so much existential exposure that things like this seem trivial but nothing beats the real thing.

I recently saw a roadrunner irl and it was amazing.


It is very difficult for me to criticize Warren Buffett or Charlie Munger. That being said, this is absolutely bananas:

Not if you account for modern America’s foundational core belief in the Divine Rights Of Billionaires. Who are we to question their absolute power? They have been Chosen by the Great God Of Markets to rule.

I don’t really see the problem. I went to a school where some dorms had a similar setup of tiny one-person rooms with basically a bed and a desk sharing a common area. I believe they did have windows, though.

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Brutality, once unrestrained, follows its own course and creates its own logic. Khan fished for what the CIA wanted to hear in hope of making the nightmare end. “My captors were taking their frustrations out on me and trying techniques that could never be effective,” he said. The pretext for the enterprise was eliciting information. The reality was that, in Khan’s words, “the more I cooperated and told them, the more I was tortured.”

codes generally require windows as escape routes during fires, etc.

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I feel like if you want to coax students out of there rooms there are more humane ways to do it. For example, you could pipe in an intolerable high pitched tone all day or infuse the area with a sulfur-like odor.

Codes are for peasants.

I’d put a window in the common area, but the individual rooms don’t need one.

Vegliante, the West Hampton Dunes mayor, has little patience for those who see his narrow strip and the ­people on it as expendable. “You can’t let it wash away just because you don’t like the people that live out there,” he says. “Without the resort residents in this community, they’d be potato farms.”


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I lived in a triple dorm room that was basically the same size as everyone else’s double room. Each floor had one triple room for some reason. If we had a common space i never went to it. Luckily my roommates were cool and we had an awesome floor.

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It’s not like it’s the first dorm he’s designed. He has similar plans at Stanford and Michigan, although those are designed for grad students with private bathrooms for each.

I’d like for this to provide a model for new forms of single-room occupancy with shared kitchens and common areas, providing cheaper and more efficient housing.

Can we get rid of all billionaires please.


This is nuts.

My high school was built in the 60’s and basically didn’t have windows. The urban legend is that they were trying to make it riot-resistant. It didn’t seem to bother anyone, but we got out at 1:45, it wasn’t where we lived.

That’s another $200 million on which zero tax will ever be paid