Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Ah, didn’t see that. Afaik I wasn’t affected by one of the multiple data breaches they’ve had bc it’s a relatively new account but I was texted this “offer”. Maybe they’ve had another breach. And once again failed to warn customers.

I also got a threatening machine generated voicemail earlier, ostensibly from some govt agency. I didn’t listen to the whole thing before deleting, but I gathered they were about to take further action against me, so if I disappear beware the IRS!

Must be the season.

Solid land use decision by SF

Haney sounds a lot more reasonable than how I pictured him.


Gotta admit when I saw a news story this morning about “NHL rocked by sexual assault scandal” I was not expecting the alleged victim to be…a player.

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BTW the Sahl obituary in the NYTimes turns out to be unexpectedly entertaining, highly recommended. Seems that his rapid career collapse in the mid-60s was hastened by his becoming one of the very first JFK conspiracy nuts. He worked as an private investigator for Jim Garrison before the Shaw trial! Seems crazy that I have never heard anything of this before. Goes to show you just how ahead of his time this guy really was.

Also he was apparently regularly performing in Mill Valley right up until COVID (no idea, but I would like to think his act was still largely jokes about Adlai Stevenson). Who on Earth was going to these shows? What a wild and wonderful world we live in.

I thought the same thing. Holy shit man

NIMBY where parking lots > housing lol


Hockey doesn’t exactly have a clean record when it comes to sexual abuse of players by coaches. It’s a recurring scandal in hockey.

And it’s the same story every time. Organizations fire the perpetrator (or let the perp quit) but don’t do anything to stop it from happening again somewhere else.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say Toews went to Penn State.


quite an indictment of UNDakota

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I guess I’m turning into an old man sharing my Twitter feed but I like it so:

I mean his approval ratings still haven’t recovered from that

Lol we’ve reached the stage where players are rebelling against the league by not taking a knee.

Sending teenage boys thousands of miles from home away from their families and support structures enables these predators.

My sister posted on Meta that she bought 3 copies of 1984 before they got banned. I feel obligated to have a kid so she isn’t the only one in the family passing on the family genes.


wait till you hear about Patrick Kane


you can just spoil her kids by getting them splc/aclu literature, etc

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