Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Anyone know how nicotine levels work in e-cig cartridges?

Like if you smoke 1 cartridge that is 2.4% nicotine, or 24mg of nicotine, does that mean each cartridge you consume is 24mg of nicotine?

If so that seems insane. So a pack of cigs is like 36 MG. There is that much nicotine in one lil cartridge?

I mean that is insane. I know a couple people who smoke like 3-4 of those Juul pods daily at 5%. So thats like 4-5 packs of cigs worth of nicotine? That’s insane. Maybe a big warning on those things would be a good idea. Not just that its addictive but how much nicotine is packed in.

Interesting question. Apparently JUUL pods have 40mg of nicotine, about the same as a pack.

Just from watching e-smokers, it sure seems like they puff harder and exhale much more impressive clouds of smoke than cigarette smokers.

Can’t vouch for the research but found these pretty quick:

Nicotine Levels in Electronic Cigarettes

On an average, 50%–60% of nicotine from a cartridge was vaporized.

Nicotine delivery and cigarette equivalents from vaping a JUULpod

One study estimated 68% transfer efficiency to the aerosol, measuring 28.8 mg nicotine per JUULpod. The other studies reported nicotine values ranging from 72 to 164 µg/puff. At 200 puffs, this is 14.4-32.8 mg of nicotine per pod with equivalence to 13-30 cigarettes.

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Shocked to hear that Mort Sahl was alive as recently as yesterday. Unsettling.


Always impressive when UP is 24 hours ahead of the news curve. Not surprising this one got traction and bubbled to the top of CNN:


and right below it.

Supposedly it’s common for defense attorneys to file a motion to not be able to call the victims victims, but it’s like never, or almost never, granted.

Is that true, UP defense attorneys?

evidence at trial showing Kyle Rittenhouse’s involvement in a previous fight and his alleged association with the Proud Boys.

Funny how the NYT didn’t mention any of that in their Rittenhouse profile piece yesterday.

Carlin was the best.


They will have witnesses lined up for miles confirming these guys were antifa super soldier Terrorists.

Although maybe it will be easy to discredit them. One look at their Facebook should show they aren’t reliable witnesses.

When Kyle gets off he will make millions being a right wing celebrity

He’ll definitely be headlining the next CPAC if he doesn’t end up in prison.


Holy shit, I’m not the only The State fan!

Cuz I’m Doug, and I’m outta heeeeee-rrr.

Southwest Airlines sent me a $200 voucher for having to get on 3 different planes to fly from PHX to SEA last night, so that was nice.


I don’t mind the name, I just think that logo with the baseball and the flying g wings is trash.



I got 2 offers for $100 from T-Mobile for feedback after service outages but I ignored them bc I assumed it must be a scam. If there were outages at the time, I didn’t notice them. I can’t decide if it’s worth checking any further.

Edit: it’s just an offer of a “gift”.

Congrats on your “$100” “free” “item”!

It‘s one thing to have two typos but one would think that they‘d at least be able to spell their company’s name correctly (T-Mobile). Sounds legit.