Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The old logo was literally a racist cartoon from the 1930’s, what are we even talking about here.

I was limiting my comparison to non-racist logos. That’s a different category. Obviously any racist logo beats even the least aesthetically pleasing logo in a battle of worstness.

Full credit to Cleveland for going not racist. Sorry if that was unclear.

I posted in the school shooting thread but there is apparently a lot of social media stuff going around about school shootings tmw.

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Wait where is that thread I can’t find it

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idk how much credit we can give anyone for not having a racist-ass cartoon mascot in 20-dickety-21.

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Whatever tiny amount is deserved, I’ll give them that.


To add to the less serious discussion from earlier.


You’re not going to believe what Tucker Carlson does with Lifesavers sexually!!!


Guardians is still such a lame choice. Cleveland Rocks or Cleveland Wild Things would have been so much better. You’ve got a chance to embrace Major League, or the rock and roll hall of fame. Guardians is just zzzzz

Is it in public at an art gallery? Otherwise the scene on the right seems not applicable.

Being asked to stand for the South Korean national anthem before the Los Angeles FC match tonight felt a bit odd.

Definitely less annoying than the second helping of pharisee patriotism via God Bless America they did at the AHL match I went to in San Diego last week, though.

Naomi Wu is a hell of a twitter follow. Gargantuan-boobed exhibitionist hardcore lesbian mechanical engineer/industrial designer living in mainland China who speaks perfect English and is 100% on top of all the latest memes.

The US is on the verge of becoming Nazis 2.0 in 20-dickety-21. The expectations are not high.

yeah, she’s definitely legit, knows what she’s talking about, and finds the wildest shit

I always thought the Cleveland Spiders would have been an elite choice

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After learning about the origin of Guardians, I like it.

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i mean, wat in actual fuck?