Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

you left out the best part

The minimum bid is 47.74 ETH

This is tuplipmania 100%. The only questions are can it still get 10x crazier from here, and will it bring down the greater economy with it when it goes?

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Someone very high up in this tungsten company is a well known 2p2er, at least around H&F. K.

My mancation run good continues.

Board plane. Engine issue.

Deboard plane. Board new plane. Sensor issue.

Back at the gate. Maintenance working on something.

Mentally preparing to spend the night in the airport.

ETA: getting off this plane. Supposedly waiting on another plane to come in that we’ll use.


so not sure where to ask this, but watching the world series reminded me i wanted to ask –

a couple weeks ago i visited Sutter’s Fort Historic State Park in Sacramento. All the information in the park used the word “Indians” when describing native americans. Outside the fort there’s the State Indian Museum, like that’s the official name.

I thought we’re not using that word anymore. Very confusing

A lot of Native Americans still use the term to describe themselves. I don’t think it’s been deemed offensive.

how can a cleveland baseball team be ahead of northern california museums? seems weird to me unless it’s not offensive

NFTs seem to cater to people who wish to indulge in conspicuous consumption. Crypto doesn’t fulfill this need, because the poors can always buy fractions of a Bitcoin. While NFTs can be fractionalized, people love the idea of owning something completely. And you can use social media to share awareness of that ownership.

So, basically, there are a bunch of people with too much money spending on stupid shit, which is proof that we should have a wealth tax.

i thought cleveland was still using the name Indians, they just retired the racist mascot. did they go full woke while noone was paying attention?

Woke seattle is using indigenous where appropriate. Real Rent Duwamish asks people to acknowledge they are on indigenous land, etc.

I just buy and sell nfts to feed my degen side, I’m defintely not a crypto baller though and don’t get into the whole pfp flexing on Twitter stuff.

They are changing their name to the Guardians after this season.

They are changing to the Guardians. Dammit Bruce. Seconds

well i’ll be damned. go cleveland i guess


One refers to a race of people.
One uses the name of these people as a mascot.

I’d say there is a bit of a difference

P.S. The baseball team’s name change is not because the word “Indian” is offensive.

I think places like state parks and museums are always going to be really slow when it comes to updating names. I don’t know that “Indian” comes across as offensive these days so much as old-fashioned and behind the times. Then again I’m a Midwestern white guy, so what do I know.

After checking, the website for a national park near me refers to “American Indian Earthworks,” which seems at least a little nicer than calling the structures “Indian Mounds” like we used to do.

My interaction with Native Americans comes mainly from gambling at their casinos. Their lobbying group is called the National Indian Gaming Association. The individuals I interact with may refer to themselves as being “Native” or “tribal”. Some don’t like “Indian”. Some have no problem with it. I generally use “Native” because that doesn’t seem to offend anyone.

What a time to be alive

You might want to reserve judgment until you see their logo. Baseball with flying G wings be the WOAT sportsball logo.