Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Did one of you just get some felt from there and put it on a table?

I just saw two old people go up on the hood of a Prius. Thankfully they were both alive and alert afterwards. If it was an Expedition they might have been killed.

They were in a crosswalk with a solid walk signal, some dude flying around turning right didn’t notice them, basically my worst nightmare when I’m out walking. I always look behind me to see if some oblivious moron is flying towards the intersection. But it only takes one time of being distracted and forgetting to check.

In this case the old people were distracted by 3 cars running the left turn signal flying through the crosswalk right in front of them. As soon as the cars cleared the intersection they started to go and the Prius came out of nowhere. It was so violent. I was terrified someone was going to be dead.


Are any of them RecPoker people?

Earlier this week I walked downtown to drop off my city council election ballot and was almost hit by 3 separate cars crossing one street: once at each end of the crosswalk as they made right turns, and once in the middle as they made a left. The walk signal was on for all the good it did. Was not a good choice of time of day on my part. Walking is a healthy activity but it’s not safe.


Yeah. One of us runs Canterbury.

Yeah. MH is here.

I had to jump up someone’s hood while running once, they were turning right and only looking left and clearly not stopping at the stop sign. The driver wasn’t going too fast though. I clearly missed my chance to fake an injury and sue for a zillion dollars

Have you won a hand yet? :smiley:

  1. I’ve won 2 fucking hands since 5p.

Currently stuck $250.

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Ended the day stuck $170 and feel pretty happy about it.

Have a tee time at 1030 tomorrow, and then more pan.

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I randomly came across stephen crowders sub reddit and for some dumb reason I started reading posts. God damn man, what the fuck is wrong with these people. They’re going to have full control of the government soon.

We are so fucked. In 2030 we’re going to have mandates that every car rolls coal to own the libs.

It’s not all bad

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Buy gold!


Pan update: I hate this fucking game and my fucking friends. Stuck $100 so far today and put out my usual 2 hands in the last 4 hours.

Played the 500n club today. Never hit a good shot. 92.

Had Hawaiian BBQ for dinner. No pics.


Hope there was no poi. That would have sent my lawnmower off. Poi is definitely worse than chicken breast.

No poi!

Pan update: stuck more. Haven’t put out a hand in 5 hours.


Nah. Pork. Chicken, short ribs.

I am currently at a theme park with my kids. People here look very different than what I see in my daily life.

Gonna need more detail here